I'm a Thirty-something, single, midwest "girl" who loves to...cook & bake - organize, plan & coordinate - and spend time with family & friends. These are my thoughts, the things I enjoy {often the little things}, everyday stuff that happens, and the ways that God provides for, teaches and shows Himself in big and small ways to me! You will laugh {it is essential} & you will cry {oh...a good cry does a wonder of good for everyone} - sometimes both in the same post!!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
2009 - The Recap
IBC learned that it's sweet Penny was diagnosed with a rare form of Cervical Cancer. Through 2009 the IBC family has rallied around the Hoffman Family (and their extended family) to support them with meals, childcare and the everyday practical needs that came their way. We also, along with saints across the globe, rallied around the Throne of God to lay our pleas of healing at God's feet. To date, we've not seen healing - but we haven't lost our hope and we have be drawn closer together.
I notified various individuals of my decision to step down from a few positions/roles at IBC. Only God knew the blessing that would come with this difficult task.
On the same evening I found out that two of my closest friends were going to be Mommy's for the first time. It wasn't planned that they tell us on the same evening - it just happened that way.
A reorganization annoucement was made that impacted my job greatly. It's been a high stress environment since then at work. But God has allowed me to be a testimony to those with whom I spend 40 hours a week. January 2010, will hold the annoucement of whether I'll continue to work for Direct Energy after June 3, 2010.
A Level Two Snow Emergency closed the DE Dublin office for two days and we all worked from our homes. It also closed IBC's doors for a Wednesday night prayer meeting.
Brought my friends Phil & Gina back to Columbus from Clarks Summit, PA. I've enjoyed having them back home. :)
A group of ladies spent the morning and afternoon making meals at Super Suppers as a Labor of Love for the Hoffman Family.
I assisted Sophia in making a Spaghetti Dinner for the Thornton Family - to include salad, garlic bread and Chocolate Fudge Cake with Pink Icing and Sprinkles.
Emily spent the months of February, March and April playing on a Club Volleyball Team.
I chaperoned a class trip to Virginia Beach, VA with Hayden's classmates from the WHS Ensemble. This was the first time I'd traveled with non-christian teens...it really opened my eyes up to the world that they live in, and gave me a greater passion for that generation. It also allowed me to open up to people, as I went knowing only Hayden and handful of other students - but none of the adults. It was a huge step for me - but I'm looking forward to doing it again in the Spring of 2010.
IBC celebrated 75 years of service to the westside of Columbus with a Homecoming Service and Lunch.
IBC was shocked and saddened by the news that Pastor Bill and Peggy would be leaving IBC at the end of June, 2009. They are greatly missed, but their example to follow Christ has left a wonderful impression on so many.
Sophia accepted Christ as her Personal Savior! :)
Hayden was named as Second Team All-City for his efforts on the Baseball field.
I celebrated one year in Villa de Megalicious! :)
Kari turned 30 and Wendy turned 40! All in the same weekend! :)
Kari and the kiddos moved from Mom and Dad's to their own place. Kari's first place, since returning to Columbus in 2006. They love their little place! :)
I coordinated an all church meal (for 250+) in PB & Peggy's honor. It was a privilege to be asked to coordinate. I enjoyed the experience, and the opportunity to thank PB & Peggy for the impact they made on my life during their 25 years at IBC.
I BLASTed OFF on week's adventure into "space" during IBC's VBS program. VBS is my most favorite ministry!! :)
I began serving on the IBC Pastoral Search Committee.
Emily had her first TLC experience! She loved it and knew she would! :)
The Thornton Family (minus Steve, Wendy & Ashley) packed up two vehicles and headed to Panama City Beach for a wonderful time of rest, relaxation and fun in the sun. We also experienced our first Tropical Storm (Claudette) on day two of our trip! :)
Maxton Lukas entered this world!!
Hayden became a Senior in High School, Emily joined the ranks of 7 other Thornton's to enter West High School as a student. Sophia entered the First Grade, and Elijah changed Westgate Elementary history forever becoming a Kindergartner.
I become Special Events Coordinator for the WHS Athletic Booster Association. I LOVE this volunteer job! :)
Olivia Sue entered this world!!
Hayden was named Top Ten for the WHS Homecoming Court.
Elijah was named "Citizen of the Month" for his class! In his words, "it took a lot of hard work. I had to be very quiet!"
I enjoyed an extended weekend Staycation - topped off with my annual visit to the Circleville Pumpkin Show and going apple picking for the first time. I LOVE FALL!!
IBC called Max Tucker as Interim Pastor for 3 months to begin in December, 2009.
I helped coordinate a wedding for my friends Seth & Crystal. I started taking courses earlier in 2009, and I'm still working to complete them - but the experience was great! :)
The Buckeye football team beat Michigan for the sixth straight year and again claimed the title of "Big Ten Champions"!!
Hayden was accepted to Capital University! This made his Aunt Jenni (a CU alum) very happy! :)
Ashley turned 20!
Jenni became a fan of the new trend of Staycationers!! She had never done such a "trip", but I have a feeling she'll return there one day! :)
Beth came home from China to visit for two weeks during Christmas! It was wonderful to see her and to hear her share about everything she has done in the last 18 months!!
I gave Ayana her first Bible for Christmas. My tradition has been that each niece/nephew receive their first Bible on the Christmas that they are 5. However, Ayana began asking for a Bible in August, and I couldn't make her wait an entire year plus, for her own copy of God's Word. She was so excited, when she opened it on Christmas afternoon! She looked at her mom and whispered, "I love Meggie!"
2009 transformed many of the normals in my life - but most importantly, I pray that it transformed me to be closer to God and the person He wants me to be.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Being still is something I struggle with...I like to continually be doing something and often multi-tasking. However, 2009 has taught me that always being busy and not enjoying the stillness isn't what is required of us. Each year in late October and through November, I begin a process of self-evaluation and prayer regarding my ministry responsibilities at IBC and how they will continue into the next year. I feel this process is only fair to my ministry roles, myself and most importantly God. During my years at IBC(31 to be exact), I've been involved in MANY ministries...especially and mainly during my adulthood. I LOVE to serve people, to show compassion on them and use the gifts/abilities God has graciously given to me. In addition, I have a hard time saying "no". This has always been an area where I have weakness, and unfortunately often those around me knew that - so they asked me to serve.
However, last year (2008) as I began my self evaluation - I discovered something, something that I didn't realize was there or should I say not there. There was a distraction, I was tired, I was overwhelmed. At this time I was involved in over 12 different ministries. I was stretched thin. My schedule was FULL all of the time and I wasn't being STILL. I realized that I was coming to church because I had a responsibility or meeting before, during or after a service. I was just making it happen and playing the part. I wasn't backsliding - God taught me a lot in 2008 and I was growing, I just had my priorities out of line. I was just in need of an alignment - I was stuck in the rut and I needed out. As I discovered my ugly truth - I was embarrassed and ashamed. How could I hold titles as Missions Committee Member and T.E.A.C.H. Team Coordinator - and not have my priorities together enough to make Christ and my relationship with Him my main focus when walking through the doors of IBC. In addition to my spiritual life, my personal and emotional life was hurting. I was up until all hours of the night getting laundry done or working on other household chores, and my mind was so full that I couldn't just rest. Just to make it all happen. This wasn't fair - on so many levels. So after much prayer and consideration - I removed some (not all) items from my list for 2009. Some of them were hard to remove - Missions Committee Member...I love learning about and meeting new Missionaries, and Choir Member...I love to sing (I can't carry a tune in a bucket - but I love to sing). But God was showing me, telling me and begging me to do as Ps. 46:10a says "Be STILL, and KNOW that I am God"...he wanted me to return to making Him my focus for going to IBC - not because of a meeting or obligation. As 2009 started I really struggled with having to tell people I wouldn't be in my "role" anymore and with the fact that I had more time on my hands - I felt guilty, like I wasn't using my time accordingly. Although I soon learned that it was nice to be able to come home and focus on laundry, cleaning, just relaxing or spending more time with God in His Word. I was (and still do) enjoy the extra 15-20 min. on Sunday mornings to slow down and get my heart ready for worship. In general, I was soon finding myself to not be so rushed, to be able to relax and to draw closer to God.
The extra time in the evenings has allowed me to take on some additional opportunities - every now and again. I'm volunteering as a Special Events Coordinator for a local High School's Booster Association - and I'm really enjoying that opportunity, as it's not a huge time commitment and I get to use my organizational/planning skills in a secular realm. In addition - I've been able to minister in a practical way to those around me through food...one of my passions. A few years ago I started a ministry - "Meg's Meal Ministry". This ministry isn't one that's listed on the IBC annual report, and it's not one that too many people are even aware exists. It was "created" during a time when I was really struggling with not having a family of my own, and that God opened my eyes to this practical needs ministry. God has given me a love and ability to cook/bake - I just didn't understand why He would allow me to have this gift - if He didn't allow me to use it to fed a family - my own family. After a few days of grumbling and complaining to God - God in His loving way showed me that I can use this gift to minister to my family members who don't live in my home, with members of my IBC family, neighbors and co-workers. There were people all around me who were hurting, healing, sick, lonely and just in need of some encouragement. Food is a great way to minister to people. He reminded me of the verse that says..."when you were hungry, I fed you". So over the past 3-4 years, as God has laid someone or a family on my heart - I have prepared a meal for them. Some are people who I knew were going through a rough patch, experiencing a sickness/illness, or just needed some encouragement - and others God gives me their name and I have no idea of the need. Whoever it is I contact them to let them know that a meal would be in the IBC refrigerator, that I would be dropping something off to their house, or that I would be placing something in the work refrigerator for them. Often it's a meal that is ready to go into the oven, or the crock-pot just needs turned on - for whatever day that week that works for them. It's simple, is very much behind the scenes (where I'm most comfortable) and yet it's a way of showing Christ's love in a practical way (I love practical) - and I LOVE doing this for people. This year - I was able to encourage a family who had a "not so pleasant" doctor's appointment to attend, and I knew that dinner would be the last thing they wanted to think about - so while they were meeting with the doctoer - dinner was cooking in the crock-pot and ready when they got home. I (along with many others) helped a friend going through chemo and radiation, and again two other times after very important surgeries - so that neither she nor her husband would have to worry about dinner for their family. I was able to make a meal for a friend who needed some encouragement and who actually used it for her son's birthday dinner - as the meal I made, just so happened to be his favorite (who knew? God knew!). I was able to be a testimony to a non-believing co-worker who had a baby. I made dinner for two friends who were recovering from delivering babies and another during her recovery from out-patient surgery. I used it to minister to friends as we traveled to a ladies retreat and enjoyed a soup lunch along the side of the road. I'm looking forward to blessing one of the teens at IBC with his favorite dish, as he recovers from surgery later this month. These are just a few of the ways God has used this ministry this year. He's used it more this year than in any other year. And I can't help but believe it's because this year I was being STILL - slowing down, sitting back, listening to the needs of others, looking at those around me, seeing the need and following God's leading. What a blessing it is to "Be STILL and know that HE is God".
Monday, September 7, 2009
A Lady In Waiting...
I love this song!! The words are so true in my life, because the song says exactly how I feel right now. I've usually been a good "waiter", and patience is something that I practice often and very well - if I must say. I do really good waiting in line at the store, waiting as I save money for something I want or need, or waiting until it's my turn for _________. HOWEVER, right now - I feel like the only thing I'm accomplishing is waiting. 2009 has been a year of many transitions and changes - God has given me a "new normal" (as Jenni would say), in so many ways. At times, I feel like God has wrapped a rubber band around me and is pulling it - waiting to see how far it will stretch and how far I will stretch with it. I'm not complaining about this "experiment" - because God really has drawn me closer to him...but I wonder how much longer it will be - how long do I show Him that I can wait? After, typing that last question I realize that it will be until I've learned the lesson - and apparently I have learned it...if I'm asking "how much longer"?
Maybe you are asking...what is "it" that I'm waiting for? Well none of the answers to that question will be a surprise, as I've been fairly open on here about the situations in my life. But, since I'm a list maker - I will "jot" my list down for you. I ask that you join me in praying for me as I wait...pray that I will continue wait patiently and realize when it's time to wait no more. Pray that I will clearly see God opening and closing doors - so that I can clearly see His plan. Most importantly pray that I don't grow weak in well doing, and that I remember that I am living for God - not for the praise of man.
**DISCLAIMER - I realize my "trials" may seem small and meaningless compared to others, but please don't discount them...because they are my trials and God has given each of us a burden we must carry. Some greater than others - but all are burdens.**
Meg's Waiting List:
- Work...most of the transitions have been made, and my work load is slow these days. I spend many days finding mindless projects that fill my time. I really don't see how they can justify keeping me - but they do PTL! I continue to look for other opportunities - but nothing has opened up. DE is apparently where God needs me and wants me these days - but the lack of work is concerning and frankly, boring. Pray that I will be content and not become complacent.
- Church...God is working at IBC and I pray that He is working in the hearts of the people at IBC - most of all me. We as a congregation continue to wait to see who will come and lead us. It's hard! We wait to see how much longer PR and family will be with us. We wait to see what the financial situation will be like as all this transition takes place. I'm on the Pastoral Search Committee and I continue to wait to see when we will have our next meeting to begin to move forward. Some ministries and events are being put "on hold", until more definitive answers are provided. Please pray that IBC will have unity, will be content and not become complacent - and most importantly that we will look for God's Agenda. Pray that I will not be a stumbling block - but a person that will set the example for others to watch.
- Marriage & Children...to date God has decided that He isn't willing to share me yet. Right now, He wants to keep me all to himself. While that is a flattering thought - it honestly is a hard pill to swallow. And one that I'm starting to struggle with more and more these days. For a long time I've been very content in being single - it has given me great freedom and opportunities to minister and serve. Yet, for as long as I can remember, God has given me the desire to be a wife and mother - but he hasn't fulfilled to those desires. People say... "in time", or look at what happened with ______. But those aren't the things you tell someone who is single - that makes them feel even more different than most people already make them feel and treat them. (I should do a blog on the things you don't tell a Single Person!) This year I turned 33...two years from my scary age (the age where my plans were to be __________, and what if they aren't). I know that having a "scary age" sounds very humanistic and not at all the way a Christian should feel - but I'm being honest here friends. I fear that I'll reach 35 alone - meaning never having experienced the blessings, trials and love a marriage, or have felt "how sweet to hold a new born baby" that is mine. I've always wanted to go to Hawaii - but I was saving that vacation for my Honeymoon. But the other day I started looking at the cost of a trip - for my 35th Birthday - not because I can't wait any longer, but because the reality of not having a Honeymoon is starting to set-in. Don't mistake me - I hope I'm wrong and that I will get a Honeymoon - but the practical/realistic person in me says "you better go now, otherwise you will never get there." Very few of my friends understand this situation - many, they really like to blow it off if the subject is raised. They roll their eyes (as if to say "here we go") or cut me off. So I've learned that there are two very close people, who can totally understand. So we share this burden together and encourage one another. I've been praying for a husband/family for 12 years. Since I turned 16 I've prayed almost daily for "my husband" - that God would keep him close to Himself, that he would bring Godly influences into his life and that he would find his way to me or me to him. But in recent months the prayer has changed slightly - I still pray for "my husband", but I'm praying for God to either fill these two desires or to completely take them away, to throw them in the deepest most furthest pit. Because for these two areas - I'm having a hard time with the waiting and I'm close to my "rubber band snapping in two". As I pray - I pray that if He does take them away - that He will provide me with the peace that I will need to realize that truth. This has become such a hard issue for me this year - and I try to remain positive, but it truly is THE hardest issue I'm facing.
So tonight, I blog as a lady in waiting...waiting for the Lord to move in my life in these three areas. I am hopeful - although it is painful. But I'm trying hard to continue to wait - and as I wait, no matter what - I will serve, worship and run the race...all the while relying solely on my God to lead me every step of the way.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
"I want to go to Heaven..."
Later that evening, I was sitting on the front porch of my parents house with Sophia and Ayana. Ayana was busy reading books to Raspberry and Rainbow Sunshine - her two favorite stuffed animals. I began to talk to Sophia about the decision she had made. Making sure she did completely understand her decision I asked, "Sophia - now that you asked Jesus to be your Savior, what does that mean?" She responded, "It means I get to go to Heaven!" Ayana quickly turned her head and the conversation went as follows:
Ayana: "Sophie, you get to go to Heaven?" (in a some what jealous voice)
Sophia: "Yes!"
Ayana: "That means you will get to see Bert. Bert is in Heaven. I want to see Bert. I want to go to Heaven."
Sophia: "Well then you need to ask Jesus to come into your heart, Ayana."
Ayana then looked at Sophia with a somewhat confused look on her face...the normal response of a four year old to that subject matter.
Ayana: (in a determined voice) "I miss Bert and I want to see her. I want to go to Heaven."
Ayana then walked off the porch.
I asked where she was going. She pointed to the sky and said, "I'm going to go to Heaven to see Bert." Then walked down the sidewalk with a look of determination on her little face.
Ahh...the innocence of a child, makes me smile and often makes me giggle or laugh!
I love that Sophia was so quick to respond with how someone can get to Heaven, I pray that continues. Especially as she shares her news with her Dad, his family and her friends at school.
I love that Ayana still remembers Bert (Ayana speaks OFTEN about Bert and missing her), even though Bert hasn't been with us for almost a year. I love her desire to go to Heaven - even if it isn't for the reason of wanting to avoid Hell, at least in her 4 year old mind she knows what Heaven is and that it is a place she wants to go. I pray that this desire remains and that she too will one day proclaim Jesus as her one and only way to Heaven.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
The Words of a Mother....
I'm sure that a Mom's average is going to be slightly - since most mom's spend their entire day talking to their children...whether reading books, teaching manners, playing tea party or superheros, working on homework assignments, scheduling appointments, reminding a child to practice, teaching a basic life skill, giving friend or relationship advise, praying with their child or simply saying..."I love you!". A mom spends most hours of her day focused on raising a child that will one day be a well behaved, responsible, respectful adult.
Christian Comedian, Anita Renfroe has taken the various things a mothers says in a 24 hour period and put them to music in a 2.5 minute song. I found it rather fitting to use this hilarious, yet very true song to honor...all it is that our mom teach us from the time we are children all the way up through our adult lives.
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Thornton? Thornton?...I'm here!!
I know I've been very slack in updating, but I've also been VERY busy over the last five or so weeks. But life is going very well these days!! Let's see...I chaperoned a High School trip to Virgina Beach (reminding me why I love the beach so much, and making me wonder why I don't live closer!) - I feel a strong leading to head eastward...SOON!! Within 13 hours of being home from VAB, I jumped on a plane and headed for Houston, TX for 3 days for business. The weather WONDERFUL (high 80's) and both flights were good. Well the trip home was an adventure. I suffer from claustrophobia - and I was in the last row of the plane...window seat. Next to me sat a 13 year old boy who had been up since 2:30 a.m. (departure was 4:30 p.m.) and he suffered from ADHD - oh and had nothing to occupy his time, since his mother took all of his candy prior to take off - PTL for the removal of candy!! However, Claustrophobia and ADHD, really aren't the best combo. But thankfully I had the window seat and could look out and enjoy God's beautiful creation. Dinner was served (ham/turkey sandwiches) so that helped him occupy 20 min. of the 2.5 hour flight. He really was a good kid, and we were able to share a little bit of our backgrounds. All in all, it was a great time. Then coming home I celebrated my Lord's victory over the grave with family and friends. I've also been busy working on my part in IBC's 75th Anniversary Celebration - which is actually this Sunday. 75 years of ministering to the Westside of Columbus - what a testimony and blessing. I'm in charge of the cookbook (I hope it gets done!!) and centerpieces - so this week will be a crazy busy one for me!! Well I don't have time to update too much more, but I'm really excited about slowly starting a new endeavor - in my not really there free time!! Maybe I'll fill you in on that one next time.
I'm back!!!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Another Song to Bring Comfort...
As news during this last week was made known to me - this song came back to me. It's been a week in which I've seen Brothers & Sisters in Christ receive news like..."the treatment isn't working"...."hospice is going to be called in to help"...."effective April 10 your job will be eliminated". While I wasn't the person to directly receive this news - the news has dropped me to my knees more than once crying out to my God on behalf of my friends. Bible verses and songs have filled my mind - as I don't want to allow the "what ifs" to take root. During recent weeks, as situations have come into my life (whether directly or indirectly) I've asked God what it is that He wants me to learn from this situation. Not to make it all about me - but I truly believe that we each have lessons we need to learn when those around us are given the instructions to walk down the easy and hard roads of life. Well I've not yet learned exactly what my lesson is for these situations - I know that I'm learnng more and more to have a true realization that, I can't live A day without Him.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Psalm 119:105...
To this day, I'm afraid of the dark. I still, as a 32 year old women, MUST sleep with a light on. Total darkness terrifies me, and brings no rest to me.
The verse above and the song below, have been favorites of mine for many years. The truth and comfort that are found in them bring comfort and peace. This past week, as some may know, an announcement about our recent organizational structure was released. Finding your name on an organizational chart is nothing shy of relief - because it means you still have a place in that organization. So when the information was released, via e-mail, I looked only for my name. I read through each chart (7 total), and I read through them for a second time. Neither time finding my name. I was not surprised, rather confused. Why wasn't I notified of this sooner? Why was this information released, without someone warning me that my name wouldn't be included? I attended the meeting following the release of the e-mail, and still received no further explanation or clarification. The conclusion of the meeting was at three o'clock, and I tried to make a b-line to my boss' office. I arrived and found the door closed with him on a conference call. The "news" of my name not being on the organizational chart - became the buzz of the office. While I tried to avoid other co-workers, SEVERAL were asking about me and my future. I had no answers for them...and I myself had questions. 5:00 came, I decided it was best for me to leave. Still without any answers. I still wasn't worried or concerned, I continued to remind myself of what I've been clinging to over the last several weeks...I know who is in charge and I know he will take care and provide. On the drive home, I quickly went to my card file of bible verses I had learned over the years. I was finding comfort and light for this dark path that I was walking down. Unanswered questions are like darkness...you have no direction? You aren't sure where to turn or if you should turn. But, again, God's Word was shining some light on my path and allowing me to have peace and not worry. I slept well on Wednesday evening, and was ready to face my boss that next morning. But again the door was closed and he was on back to back conference calls. All day long different co-workers would stop and ask if I had any updates. Finally at 5:00 p.m. - 27 1/2 hours after the announcement had been released - I was finally standing in Mike's office. He informed me that he was made aware this "piece of information" earlier in the day and that my name not being included was an oversight, and that the chart would be updated. I left the office thanking God for giving me the peace and grace that I needed. While I'm not 100% sold on the answer I was given - I'm going to take it for what it's worth and just praise the Lord that I continue to have a job. During those 27 1/2 hours I tried very had to remain positive and have a Godly attitude - but Satan was very much there trying to get me to crumble. But I wasn't going to let him get a foothold - I wasn't going to let him take me down that easy. The Bible verse continued to come back - don't grow weak in well doing, for in due time you shall reap the harvest...but my God shall supply all my needs...this is the day that Lord has made let us rejoice....but He can do exceeding and abundantly more that I can imagine...fear thou not for I am with thee...and several others.
I'm so thankful that when I don't have the answers and I don't know which way to turn, I can go to God's Word and find direction, answers, contentment and peace. On days like Wednesday and Thursday - I'm reminded of how blessed and thankful I am to have a personal relationship with the creator of this universe...if He speak it and it happens, then I know that He will can and will provide for me. Days like Wednesday and Thursday - also leave me with a great passion for the lost - because HOW, HOW, HOW can they get through any day - let alone a difficult day or days -without Christ in their life? The world so needs the lamp unto their feet and the light unto their path.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Work Update
I'm told there should be a meeting this week, that has more details and direction. I'm hoping my name has found it's way in a box on the organizational chart...and will remain there for a while. We'll see what this week holds...God is in control and nothing will come into my life that does not first pass through his hands. How wonderful it is to rest on this promise!!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Homemade Memories...
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Friends for A Lifetime
One day the usual events of the day occurred, but this particular day I noticed that she wasn't alone during recess - there were other girls with her. They were all sitting under the tree and "appeared" to be having a conversation - but the expression on the blond passenger's face was not reflecting happiness and tears were rolling down her eyes. I stopped jumping and went over to where she was sitting...the closer I got, the more I realized that the other girls were teasing her. The blond passenger was a very chubby girl and the other girls were making fun of her. Then, completely out of my nature, I told the girls they needed to stop, that they were hurting her feelings. The blond passenger looked up at me with eyes that were amazed at what they had just seen and a face that reflected thankfulness. The girls soon departed and I stayed there with the blond passenger. "Hi. My name is Megan." She replied back, "Hi. My name is Christina, but you can call me Christy. Thanks for doing that." And that is how a beautiful friendship began between Christy and I.
For 27 years we have been friends. From 1st Grade right through High School we were together. We have been there for each other during the good times and the bad. We experienced the ugly duckling stages of life and the stages of girls becoming young women. Long hours on the phone, sleep-overs, shopping trips, make over parties, many bus rides to and from Sullivant Elementary and Mohawk Middle School, riding our bikes in the summer, walking in the rain, high school events, first crushes, getting our driver's license, and all the normal childhood into adulthood experiences. As is the usual situation after High School, life happens and time moves quickly...and our phone calls are few and far between. However, with Christy - it is if time hasn't passed by...we pick up right where we left off...and I LOVE THAT!!! We always try to call the other around the holidays and on birthdays (although I forgot call on her birthday this year), and maybe one or two more time throughout the year - depending on what is happening in our lives. Since graduation - she has called to tell things like...she accepted Christ as her personal Savior (for 22 years I witnessed to her!), she was getting her LPN License, she was having a baby and that her baby boy had arrived. She has also called to talk about struggles she was having with her mom, that her dad was in the hospital and that things didn't look good, that she and her son's father were separating. With all the time that passes, and days or months without a phone call or seeing each other - we still have a connection that is deep and we NEVER end a conversation without telling each other that we love the other. We have walked too long a road together - to stop now...and I know that in Christy (and she knows that in me) - we are friends for a lifetime.
Christy and I have a song - we made a promise to each other....that we could ALWAYS count on the other.
Friday, January 30, 2009
A Life Changed...
Recently, over lunch, Ray shared his testimony with him and was very honest in what he went through before he realized his need of a Savior. On the way back to the office he shared with me a CD that he created about his journey. It has a series of Christian songs and then the conclusion of the CD is a recording of the day He and his wife, Geralyn, were baptized. It was so neat to hear the musical "journal" he had created. He and his wife listen to it often to remind them of where they were and where they are today. As the conclusion of the CD was approaching, I looked over at Ray - and I saw tears were rolling down his face. Happy tears, tears of a changed man. Ray has a desire and a passion to bring people to Christ - and that excites me. He then asked me to tell him my testimony...and I told him how I came to the saving knowledge.
So I thought maybe today I would share my testimony with my blog followers and friends. This testimony is not the same testimony I shared with Ray - I shared only my salvation testimony. One day I may share this part with Ray, but I'm not comfortable yet - not as comfortable as he was to share. However, with you, I want to share a little about my salvation, but more about a time that I've never shared with anyone, outside of my family. I realize that in order for you to know me before and after our paths have crossed, I need to be honest- because it is a part of me that needs to be known, and I feel I'm ready to share. I pray that by sharing this you do not judge or have pity...only praise and encouragement that God was able to reach down and pull me up again.
I was raised in a very Christ-centered home. My parents made church attendance a priority, and nothing less than barfing or a fever would keep us from being there. When I was 4 years old I heard a story in Sunday School...I have no idea what the story was, but at some point the teacher talked about giving your heart to Jesus. The lesson was over, and it was time for the coloring sheet (or coloring ditto - for my old school followers!). As I was coloring Dottie Miller asked me if I'd ever given my heart to Jesus. I told her, "No, but I would think about it". That whole next week I thought about what Dottie shared with me. I knew I was a good little girl, and I figured that would get me to Heaven. Then on May 21, 1981 (my 5th physical birthday), I climbed into my bed and before I went to sleep, I realized I needed salvation - and I gave my heart to Jesus. During the next seven years I would continue to grow, but never "proved" my faith through Believers Baptism. Each service my Dad, would lean down and say "Muggs are you ready?" Each service I would say, "No, not today/tonight." I was afraid to walk the aisle (even though we only sat 7 rows from the front...same seat still to this day). Then on a cold, snowy February night our church was having a special service. Since we lived some what close to the church, bad weather rarely kept us from attending. The Johnson Family was there ministering in music and Larry (the father) then gave a mini-sermon. At the close of the sermon, he gave the usual alter call. That evening our family was sitting in the very last row of the church, and I was sitting dead smack in the middle of the pew. I don't remember the sermon or the closing hymn. I just remember my dad looking at me and saying, "You are ready Muggs, let's do this." There was no choice, it was happening - I knew it was what needed to be done. I squeezed past Jenni, Kari, Steve and my Mom. Hand in hand my Dad and I walked the entire length of that aisle, and I told my Pastor that I was ready to be baptized. As the years went on I became very grounded in God's Word via AWANA, Youth, Sunday School, VBS and the other various ministries and people of IBC. I went to public schooling my entire life, and I knew that my life was different than most of my friends. I was the only one in my school circle that still had both parents married and involved in my life - something I'll always be grateful for! I knew this world was dark and lost; however, I continued to live a somewhat sheltered life (again, something I'll always be grateful for). I had a burden for people, but I guess I just didn't think that God could use me to reach them. After I graduated from High School, I went to Wilmington College in Wilmington, OH. It's about 1 hr. south of Cbus. This was my first experience away from home and really seeing the world for what it is. My roommate was unsaved, and lived a life that I didn't approve of or want to be a part of. After returning back to school early one Monday morning, I found my roommate and her boyfriend asleep in bed together and her boyfriend's friend in my bed. Obviously, I didn't want my parents to find out about this - so I told them they couldn't come in the room. Later that night I called and explained what I found when I walked into my room. This enraged my parents. My dad demanded that I be put in another dorm room. All the female dorm rooms were full, and the only option was the top floor of a dorm building they didn't use, and I would be the only person living in this four floored building. I wasn't happy about it, but what was I going to do. I moved into the room and as my Mom and brother left, I felt alone...I was alone. It was just me and the brick walls - I didn't even have a TV to watch, to keep me in touch with the outside world. This was the darkest, most worse period in my life. God had taken me away from my family and friends, and now he had pulled me away from the entire world. Looking back I think He was trying to pull me closer to Him, but I instead turned away from Him. I became angry and I soon became VERY depressed. I stopped attending classes on a regular basis and I was eagerly looking forward to coming home and staying home at the end of that semester. I spent many nights crying myself to sleep for those two months. I began to hate myself and everything about me...I thought there must be something really wrong with me, God must be very ashamed of me to pull me away and hide me from the world. Satan had his grips on TIGHT. When I came home at Christmas, my family knew something wasn't right and I acted as if all was well, but inside I was miserable. I couldn't even look in the mirror without telling myself how worthless and ugly I was, and I 100% believed it. There were even days that I wished I was dead. For MANY months, I made my family's life a living nightmare - I was not a fun person to have around. I was grumpy, bitter and had a down right foul attitude. Looking back I feel horrible for all that I put them through. They didn't know what would set me off, the littlest thing could enrage me. This wasn't the person I was before, I knew something wasn't right and I hated that I was experiencing this. I did a good job of hiding this at church, although even there I felt alone. All of my friends were either away at school or still in the Youth group - that made me feel like even more of a failure and an embarrassment. For months my mom would plead with me to talk to someone, to talk to PB. I refused. I didn't want anyone to know that I wasn't perfect. I wanted everyone to look at me and think that everything was just hunky dory. Then on Christmas Day 1995, something happened (I don't even remember what it was) and I got very angry - and I told my parents that I wanted to die. This obviously upset and concerned them, I had never told them that before - I mean really who wants to hear that from their child. My dad said I could no longer be alone at the house and he demanded that I speak with someone. I had no choice, it was a done deal - but I knew it was what needed to happen and I was ready. My mom was able to get me into a counselor through the EAP program at her job. I was sent a series of papers to fill out and questionnaires to complete. Then twice a week for several months I would go and meet with a counselor. Soon into the meetings she diagnosed me as having clinical depression, and I told her I wasn't going to take any meds. She agreed and didn't feel I needed meds, but I did need to deal with many issues...low self esteem, loneliness, self acceptance, anger, etc. After months of counseling and God breaking me down and revealing Himself to me, I realized how blind I was...how tight Satan had grab hold of my life. I realized that I was fearfully and wonderfully made, that I was made in the image of God, and that I needed to find my everything in God. Soon the counselor didn't feel she needed to see me any more and saw that I was making great improvements. Life began to get better - I was working full time and taking classes at Columbus State - I was doing all of that during counseling, but things were better...I wanted to be at both of those places. I was getting involved in various ministries, and God was working in my life. It's been a long process, I must admit that there are still days even 14 years later that I struggle with the person that I am on the outside - I still look in the mirror and think that I'm ugly, unlovable. and an embarrassment. Some days I still feel worthless and unimportant. There are times, when I feel that my family still sees the person that I was then. But then I have to remember that Satan knows my weakness is my self-esteem, and that is where he is going to try to trip me up. I'll never again be the person that I was before I went through that time - I'll always know that I had this low point in my life...however, I can praise the Lord that he brought me through and that He isn't done with me yet!!! All I can do is strive to live my life to the fullest...serving God, loving my family & friends, and hopefully pointing others to the one who changed my life completely.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Thank God For Kids...
Oak Ridge Boys - Thank God For Kids
Uploaded by UniversalMusicGroup
Thank you God, for the gift of these six lives!!!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Forecast looks stormy...
Storms...I love storms. I love to sit outside and watch the storm clouds rolling in. As the storm is occurring I love to watch and listen as the lightening flashes across the sky and the loud thunder cracks. I love to look out and see the rainbow, at the end of a storm. Of course not every storm has them. But the promise of the rainbow is a wonderful reminder of God's power and that He is in control.
Forecast of known storms for the week...will you join me in praying this week, as these storms and other storms occur?
Please pray for me this week. I've was told (by one of my bosses) that work is going to be rough next week - as more announcements, including consolidation, will be made. I don't know the exact impact on my job, but I've been told that I'll have to deal with lot of questions - from myself and others. Pray that my attitude would not be negative, but one that is understanding. As some know the last half of 2008 was not easy - it brought a relocation and reduction of over 50% of our office, and left lots of questions about the future of the remaining staff. Next week's news will once again rattle our office.
Please pray for my friend and her family. I don't have all the details...but I know they will walk the road of pathology tests, test results and plans for future treatment. They too will have lots of questions that need answers. Pray as an out of town family member comes home - that flights and money would not hinder his arrival.
Please pray for my ex-brother-in-law. He found out last week that this Friday (1/23) will be his last day of work. His company (like other companies) is reducing their staff by 50%. He carries the insurance for my nieces and nephew, and so this detail (on top of everything else) needs to be worked out. But more important pray for him spiritually. In the last two years, everything he has known as normal has been removed - he has gone through a divorce, has gone from seeing his children daily to seeing them only certain days of the week, has had to move from the home his children knew as home, and now has lost his job. He was (and may still be) so far from God. Sometimes, God has to remove everything to bring us back to himself...that is my prayer for him.
God, above all that is going on in the lives of your children...I pray that we will be able to praise you in our storms. Help us to lean on you and not on our own understanding. Help us to reflect you in our lives as others around are watching how we handle the storm. Nothing comes into our lives without first passing through your hands. Help us Lord, to remember this promise.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Walking Alone...
I especially felt this "aloneness" last weekend. Two of my dearest and closest friends shared WONDERFUL, EXCITING news!! Oh, I was so happy for them - that I wanted to climb to the highest mountain and scream the good news...I wanted share it with someone. As I sat at a table bubbling over with joy and excitement, I watched my friends pull out their cell phone to send a text message or call their special someone and sharing the breaking news. I sat there wondering who could I text, who could I call, I want to share...and yet I had no one. I continued to sit there smiling on the outside, but beyond heartbroken on the inside. PLEASE DON'T get me wrong - I wasn't having a "woe is me party", nor was I jealous of their exciting news. I was just wanted someone to share the news with - this time and the next time...good or bad. Just someone to share the moments of life that are happening.
As I left my friends that evening, I was so happy - rejoicing in the blessing that God has given to my friends and the wonderful evening I had just experienced. Yet, so broken inside...I must be honest, the ride home was long and I continued to think about the current situation. I cried myself to sleep that night because I was alone with no one at home wanting to hear the wonderful evening I had just experienced or no one to call to share my news.
Please know that I love and cherish the relationships that I do have. But those who are truly single (meaning those who don't have that special someone - whether married or not) may understand where I'm coming from here. I have several WONDERFULLY amazing friends. Girlfriends who are like my sisters, Sisters who are my best girlfriends. Guy friends who I love like my brother, and a brother who is one of my greatest loves. Yet each of them have that one person they call they consider their "significant other", and I don't. It hurts and I don't understand why I'm missing out.
As the week has gone on, I've begun to look for some books or a Bible Study that might help in healing and dealing with this open wound. As I've mentioned before music has a way of ministering to me. I often pull up YouTube and search songs about any random theme or genre. Tonight as I was randomly searching, I came across the video below. I've heard the song and sung it (to myself) several times in my car. Tonight, the words pierced my heart and mind (again). Reminding (again), I must claim the truth in the words of this song. And while He isn't the tangible person, that I'm praying and waiting to come along, that I can call on the phone or reach out to hold..He is here with me, never leaving me, and always waiting for me to share with Him my heart, dreams and life. I must remember that with Jesus by my side...I will never walk alone!