Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thank God For Kids...

Oak Ridge Boys - Thank God For Kids
Uploaded by UniversalMusicGroup

Children…bring so much energy, joy and love to my life. I love serving in the various children’s ministries at IBC - in the Nursery I get to hold and love the little babies, in SS and youth groups I get to teach, encourage and build into their lives biblical teachings. I love working with and getting to know the kids at IBC!! But most of my readers know that I have six wonderful children in my life that I absolutely adore – Ashley (who is actually an adult now), Hayden, Emily, Sophia, Elijah and Ayana. Since IBC will observe Sanctity of Human Life Sunday tomorrow, I wanted to honor the lives of my nieces and nephews. God has made each of them special and different from the others, yet after His own image. I could create a long list of how each one is unique, has their own personality and special memories I have of them. But I’ll just sum it all up with…each of them has made me look at life and live life differently. For 19 year, I’ve been Aunt Meggie, and in those 19 years I have found that nothing in this world can bring as much joy to my life as those six beautiful, precious pieces of Heaven here on Earth. Children are a blessing and a gift - straight from God.

Thank you God, for the gift of these six lives!!!


gretchen said...

Those are some great pictures...I am sure they are just as thankful for you. How did your work meeting go?

Meg said...

The meeting at work went okay...nothing really was revealed for our office. My boss (head of this office) was in the hospital mostlast week, so we are still waiting for the exact impact on our office...if any. Thanks for asking! Praying for you guys...especially as you are far from where your heart is emotionally.

Gina Marie said...

Love the pictures and those kids!! How life would be so different without them! They are a blessing!!