Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring has Sprung...

"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade."
~ Charles Dickens

As of last Saturday at approximately 1:32 p.m. - SPRING ARRIVED!!! WOOT, WOOT!!

That means...Winter is OFFICIALLY over and we are closer to consistently warmer (hot!) days!! This past winter was especially hard and very emotionally draining - for several reasons...the news of my job, the death of a friend, temperatures were colder and we had more snow than usual. Cold, gloomy days seemed to be the theme of this winter, more so than usual -both literally and figuratively. So this year, I seem to be rejoicing more so than in the past that Spring has arrived. I'm ready to start anew!!

With the on-set of Spring I thought I'd share some of the things that make me LOVE and enjoy Springtime.

Meg's Top 15 Reason's for Loving Spring (in no particular order):
  1. Warm-Cool mornings and evenings, with bright sunny afternoons shoved in the middle.
  2. Budding Trees, blooming flowers and chirping birds!!!
  3. Flip Flops and open-toed shoes are more permissible!
  4. Baseball season starts!! :) Nothing like hearing the ting or crack of a the bat, or watching my favorite #3 at Short-stop!
  5. More hours of sunshine - Vitamin D is a good thing, and makes me HAPPY!!
  6. Being outside enjoying the beauty of nature.
  7. Easter - Remembering Christ's sacrifice and Celebrating His Resurrection!!
  8. March Madness - when it's over Spring is in full swing, and while it lasts it's okay if it rains or is cooler...there are hours upon hours of basketball to be watched!
  9. My Birthday - both physical and spiritual!!!! (Current Countdown is 57 days!)
  10. Having the windows and doors of Villa de Megalicious opened - love the cool breeze!
  11. Rain Showers & Thunderstorms! LOVE THUNDERSTORMS!
  12. Not having to wear a heavy coat, scarf, gloves and layer upon layer of clothing to stay warm.
  13. Ice Cream shops slide open their half windows - "Yes, may I have Mint Chocolate Chip on a sugar cone....please!!"
  14. Riding with the sunroof open!
  15. Summer is only two flips of the calendar away! :)

Welcome Spring 2010...I know you have great things in store for me!

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