Thursday, December 30, 2010

"God Never Gives You More Than You Can Handle..."

A couple of weeks ago I had dinner with a friend. Who challenged a very common and "favorite" saying within the Christian circle...and it's stuck with me. I've mulled it over and over in my mind, and I think my friend is correct.

This friend and I, also are prayer partners and we meet monthly to encourage each other and to find out how we can be praying more for the other...and since we both enjoy eating this meeting usually takes place at a food establishment! However, I knew this month's meeting was going to be different than most months - where lots of laughter is also involved. You see my friend has had a very rough year - and even more so as year comes a close. Two extremely special people in her life have faced various illnesses and one of which was diagnosed with cancer, the week after Thanksgiving - with the news that treatments or surgery are not an option and that her time (in the opinion of the doctors) left on this earth is 3-6 months...with 6 months being generous. So I knew that when we met, I needed to have a heart of compassion, ears ready to listen, words that would encourage and an extra package of Kleenex...I knew there was no way to hold back the tears. We selected our meeting time and location, and all day long I was greatly anticipating our time together. I had prayed that God would use me to be the encourager - as usually my friend is the one who leaves me so encouraged. We both arrived, quickly ordered and the conversation went instantly to was she doing? how were those she was caring for doing? how are your children handling this? I mean the questions were just flooding the booth we were sitting in...I wanted to know exactly how I could pray for my friend and her family. When I asked how she was doing she said, "I'm tired of people telling me that God never gives us more that we can handle." Um okay - that's not what I was expecting, but we'll go with that. "What do you mean?" I asked somewhat confused. "People tell us this, but that doesn't make any sense. If God never gives us more than we can handle...then that means we are able to live life without having Him involved. If we can handle it, we never get to see God working. And I want you to know that it's only God who is handling this situation - because if it were up to me, I would fail, I would have failed. There is no way I could handle this on my own." WOW - her thoughts stopped me cold, and the truth of her words pierced my mind. Its so true! As humans we want to rely on God, yet we also want to see how long we can go without allowing him to come along side or take over the situation. And this very innocent, saying has it all wrong. A saying I've used before to encourage/comfort myself and others - takes all the focus off of God's abilities and puts them back on us...mere humans. Instead of focusing on the fact that we need God! We need to see God working, especially in those situations where it humanly seems impossible for us to get the one my friend is facing. We need to allow God to be working, especially in those situations where it humanly seems impossible for us to carry out the task.

Once again it was my friend left me encouraged, and challenged my thinking!

God never gives you more than you can handle...because it's Him who is handling, not you!

1 comment:

Alisa said...

Wow I love this thank you for sharing! I never thought of it that way but I sure will now! Why do we as humans always bring it back to ourselves??? ugh.