Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Days of Summer...

On Monday evening, summer 2014 evaporated into autumn 2014 quietly made it's entrance from stage right.  Summer, 2014 was a great one ~ overall.

A new position...I began my (unofficial) start to summer with a new job.  I didn't leave my employer, I just took on a new position within the bank - supporting our COO - Commercial Banking.  It has been a WONDERFUL move - on so many levels.  I've met many new colleagues, have made new friends and have utilized and expanded my skill set.  I wasn't looking to make a move, but this position become available and I felt God calling me to make the move.  So I listened.  I must admit, I was very hesitant when I saw the position post - my new manager was on my {mental} list of executives I'd consider supporting should the opportunity arise.  You see I had {still have} a great relationship with my previous executive - who I supported for four years.  So I knew I had to be very selective, should I ever consider leaving my {previous} role.  The position posted just days before Easter.  An administrative group within the bank e-mailed the posting to all administrative professionals - so when I saw the posting I thought "well that would be a great opportunity for someone, that executive would be a great person to support and it would be a great opportunity for advancement."...never considering myself for the position.  Days later while stuffing eggs for the family's egg hunt - the post came to mind, out of no where...again I thought, it would be a great opportunity - for someone, else.  The next day, while preparing Easter dinner, once again thoughts of the position filled my mind...this time I was considering myself for this position.  But concerns of leaving an executive as the one I supported, added to my "maybe not" list.  I had taken the day following Easter off.  When I returned on Tuesday, I received a phone call from a fellow admin - who said "I know your answer will probably be "no", because you are happy where you are - but have you considered applying for the position supporting the COO - Commercial Banking?"  WOW!  I laughed and told her, "well actually I have and I am still considering it - but this phone call has confirmed that I should apply."  That evening I stayed a little later at work and applied.  By 8:15 a.m. the next day (April 23) HR had contacted my then executive to notify them that I had posted for the position and that I was being heavily considered as a candidate.  Within the next two days I had a phone interview, had scheduled additional in-person interviews.  By the end of the following week - I had completed 8 in-person interviews and was waiting.  By 10:00 a.m. Monday, May 5 - I was offered the job.  It was quick, quicker than anticipated.  So quick - I barely had a chance to talk to my family about the opportunity.  By the end of May I was in my new role!  All along the way - God was giving me peace.  I never once looked back - I was just looking ahead and allowing Him to lead.  I remember after I hit the "apply now" button, I said out loud - at my desk - "well God, if this is what you want you will make it clear, I'm trusting you."  An clear it was!!  I'm so happy in my position - and can already see how this was a great move for me!

An was a June Thursday at 12:32 p.m., I was at Danny's Deli enjoying lunch with a fellow admin., my cell phone caught my eye - as a phone number flashed on the screen.  Not wanting to be rude I ignored the call.  Within seconds the number flashed up on the screen again.  I apologized and said I needed to get the call.  "Ms. Thornton this is ADT and we have reports of your motion and front door alarms sounding at your residence - are you okay? Do you need us to call the authorities?"....stunned I didn't know what to say - I felt like I couldn't speak.  I told the operator  - I wasn't at home and she would need to call the police.  I went back to the table and told my lunchmate - I had to leave, someone had broken into my home.  The walk back to my desk seemed to take forever - I had to get my purse, keys, laptop, notify my boss.  I couldn't get there fast enough - I had to leave.  I remember not being able to figure out how to remove my laptop from the docking station and asking the co-worker next to me for help - he seemed confused as to why I couldn't figure it out.  (I explained to him at a later time what had happened).  I then had to get to my car and get home - again the walk to my car was forever, I walked really fast and then slowed down, really fast and then slow down - at one point I may have even been running.  Finally to my car - I had to figure out how to get home.  I called my sister - no answer, I had to tell someone - but what do I tell them, I knew nothing.  Visions of possible damage to my home were filling my mind.  Ugh...another traffic light - please just let me get home!!  Finally, I reached home - the police officer walked up to me and asked how my day was...I mean really, what do you want me to say "Oh it's an awesome sun shiny day!" hello - I'm here because someone has broken into my home.  To not give too many details - we entered the house, found a piece of evidence that confirmed someone had been or was in the house - upon my exit from the house the officer drew his weapon and announced "police - make yourself known"...all of this was going on in my quiet little home.  I apologized to the police officer that I hadn't made my bed that morning - he just looked at me and said "It is okay, I have small children - so I'm sure your unmade bed can't compare to the mess they make".  The intruder wasn't in the house - PTL, and upon further investigation we discovered how they entered.  Thankfully my alarm system scared them - and they didn't have time to take anything of great value from my home...well except for my sense of security.  The intruder was caught just two days later, and charges have been pressed and their trial begins in late October.  I'm assuming at some point during this trial I will have to testify - and that seems slightly overwhelming, but God will be there with me.  My sense of peace and security have begun to return - although I still wake up in the night fearing someone is in my home.  But that isn't an every night occurrence - just a few times a week.  I thank God for my security system - both on the day of the burglary and now as it helps give me an extra tangible layer of security.

A New Bundle of Joy brings the title of "Father"on Father's Day...As I had mentioned in previous posts my sister and brother-in-law were expecting their first child in late June - but Nephew #3 decided to make his appearance on Father's Day...the best gift a dad could ever receive.  After many hours of labor, no progression of dilating and a fever that was rising the doctor's decided that my sister would have an emergency c-section - not what she had planned, but was more than agreeable due to the circumstances.  He was born @ 8:56 a.m. weighing 9 pounds 22 inches long - and perfectly beautiful in the eyes of his auntie! :)   He and my sister were both healthy, the fever reduced soon after delivery and within two days they were home.  The family of 3 have adjusted quite well to their new normal - including the 10-11 hours of sleep each night.  My sister recently returned to work, and that has brought some heartache - but she is praying the Lord will open up an opportunity for her to be able to reduce her days away from her bouncing happy boy!

Beach+Wedding+New BIL+New Nephew = All in One Week...Early August brought a family vacation to the beach.  Everyone, except Nephew #1, went on the trip.  We were sooo excited about the opportunity to get away for a week - and by the time the trip actually had arrived, we were all more than ready for some serious beach time.  My family LOVES the beach!!  During our planning of the trip - my youngest sister and {then} fiance considered getting married while we were away.  After consideration it was decided they'd take full advantage of the opportunity with 99% of the family there.  My new BIL's son had already planned to join us - and that was great to have him there with us.  We were able to celebrate his 11th Birthday while there - and that was another special memory to have, as well.  So now I'm the auntie of nine - 5 nieces and 4 nephews...the boys are quickly gaining on the girls!!  The time away was great - and the opportunity to have the hardest decision be pool side or beach side, was WONDERFUL!!

Lots of time on my hands...I still find myself with lots of time on my hands, so I'm trying to find different "things" to do.  I've done several crafts - I'll post about them soon.  I spent a little more time in my gardens this summer and that was nice.  I attempted to grow tomatoes - but wasn't as successful as I had hoped, so maybe next summer.  I've started learning to sew with a sewing machine - and that is very exciting to me!! :)  I'm looking forward to purchasing a "real" sewing machine soon into the new year.  I've created various schedules - cleaning schedules, cooking schedules, craft schedules, encouragement to others schedules, etc.  Summer is always a little slower in the kitchen, because it is so hot...with a semi-cooler than usual summer I did do a little more experimenting than usual this summer.  Mastering a few recipes I've wanted to try - like buffalo sauce, oh yummolicious!! I was able to treat the new parents to a meal once a week for the first five weeks after delivery - and that was a great treat for me, and hopefully for them as well.  With the cooler evenings approaching and fall-like Saturdays, I'm sure the oven will be warming up on a more frequent basis! Stay tuned.

Aging Parents - Summer brought a few hurdles in this area.  About two weeks before we left on vacation my dad found out he needed a pacemaker placed - and it had to happen pre-vacation.  So one week before we left, his pacemaker was placed.  All went well with the placement and recovery has been pretty much event free. PTL!  Mom is doing okay - but the Dementia is much more present these days, even with her meds.  She still has her independence and can fully function as normal for the most part - but her reasoning/thought process, decision making rational are steadily deteriorating.  As siblings we are always looking at ways to assist her, as much as she will let us - and still allow her to maintain that independence that she needs and we need her to is a fine line, but so far we've walked it pretty well.  The new "endeavor" is the grocery store and food preparation.  We've learned, through observation, that mom quickly becomes overwhelmed with too many decisions - and she picks whatever she see first. For example - during a trip to the ice cream shop she would normally pick blackberry chip - it has been her "go to" for as long as I can remember.  However, she recently selected Cherry - because it was the first option that she saw...when asked "are you sure - they have blackberry chip?" she said - "oh well then yes, I want that - I didn't see it on the list."  Or when going to a restaurant she'll ask - "what are you having?" or "what do you like here?"  This allows her {in her thought process} to not show us that she's struggling...but we've caught on, after she's ordered "not normal to her" options.  So we always make sure we help her with her selection - in a very non-offensive way, pointing out options that we know she'd like.  That said, we've noticed that when asking what they've (the parents) have had for has been very random combinations of items.  So we've come to the conclusion that determining what's for dinner may be slightly overwhelming and she selects whatever she first sees - like a tomato and onion sandwich, yes that was a recent item!  Our plan - to join her in her grocery shopping and to create a meal schedule of what she has available, and assisting with pre-meal prep as much as we that she is able to put together a more normal dinner.  Together my family and I will make this journey as tolerable as possible for everyone involved, but I can't promise you I won't cry from time to time - as I watch my mom slowly slip away.

God has been continually gracious to me - with a new job, watching over my home, ministering in my church via VBS and the meal ministry, adding to my family, allowing me the opportunity to learn new things like sewing and doing crafts, and love for my parents as we walk this road of aging.

To God Be The Glory for Summer, 2014!!

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