I'm a Thirty-something, single, midwest "girl" who loves to...cook & bake - organize, plan & coordinate - and spend time with family & friends. These are my thoughts, the things I enjoy {often the little things}, everyday stuff that happens, and the ways that God provides for, teaches and shows Himself in big and small ways to me! You will laugh {it is essential} & you will cry {oh...a good cry does a wonder of good for everyone} - sometimes both in the same post!!
Friday, December 30, 2011
"A Year in the Life..."
January started with Ayana going forward to accept Jesus Christ as her Savior, and Sophia going forward to be baptized! Talk about starting the year off right!! WOOT WOOT!! January also held the Ohio State Football Buckeyes winning the BCS Sugar Bowl - in the midst of a scandal, NCAA investigations and daily developments to the story that broke right before Christmas.{Little did we know what the rest of 2011 would bring to the beloved Buckeye football team}. I was part of a conspiracy, towards the end of January...on a very cold January Sunday night I drove to CMH to pick-up my friend, Beth. She was coming home, from China, as a surprise to her family during her break at Chinese New Year! What a sweet reunion in the airport, and the Megmobile was full of giggles and excitement as we drove as quickly as legal to her parent's home. The best part was standing outside in the middle of the frozen ice covered street, and hearing her mom scream with excitement and surprise as she ran into their home yelling "HAPPY NEW YEAR"!! It was by far one of the coolest things I've done to date!
February allowed me the opportunity to participate in a breakfast at the kiddos school. It was very cool to be back in the lunchroom that I ate in as an elementary student and to see the kiddos in their element. February was probably the month that held the most life changing events for me, as it started my quest to a healthier lifestyle. Thanks to a program at work that encouraged healthier life decisions - and offered a reward of $200 off your Medical Premium in 2012, if you met their challenge. Since I'm a sucker for ways to save money, I began looking at my life in terms of getting healthy with the reward of saving money as motivation! {Btw - I met the challenge requirements in May...WOOT WOOT!}. The doctor challenged me to loose 60 POUNDS!! He knows I'm a control freak - so he took the opportunity to remind me that there are only a few things in my life that I can control, and one of them is food. He then told me, "and you aren't controlling it." Those words put me right into my place, and changed my way of thinking. I've not had a regular soda since February, {accept the one I accidentally drank on Christmas - because I thought the can was diet...oops}, and regular soda was my "lifeline" or so I thought. My food choices are smarter - I still eat many of the things I want, but I have to account for those in my daily points, so I'm thinking before I'm eating. Everything in moderation. To date I've lost 35 pounds. I wanted to do this slow and steady - I want it to be a lifestyle change...not a flash in the pan kind of thing. Jenni and I began walking on Monday evenings, and I must say I feel much better physically and mentally. Sophia was baptized in mid-February, and her Dad was able to be there to witness it...little did we know that would be one of his last visits to IBC for several years, as a few days later he was arrested for Aggravated Vehicular Assault - relating to the accident he was involved in the Fall of 2010. Bringing many court hearings and legal sessions to both he and Kari - as she filed for full custody of the Kiddos {which was granted in September}.
March allowed me to use my planning skills to assist Jenni as she hosted Lisa's Bridal Shower. It was a beautiful event! I took on the task of making cupcakes - and I found the best buttercream recipe ever....I've used it several times since. The cupcakes and the shower were a hit by all who attended. March again allowed me to volunteer at the Nationwide Children's Hospital Infusion Weekend at Deercreek. I returned to the craft room, and enjoyed seeing old and new faces alike. March also brought a return to Hocking Hills for Ryan, Jenni, Tim, Lisa and I - and Reece too. We once again had a relaxing weekend, filled with beautiful weather, delicious food, hours of March Madness Basketball and plenty of laughter. It was a nice break in the routine of life - especially right before Tim and Lisa's wedding six weeks later. Steve, Wendy, Jenni, Kari and I participated in the Channel 10 Commit to Be Fit Challenge as the Flabbiless 5. We didn't win the contest, but we all lost weight - and that alone was a great reward!
April seems to have flashed right past. I hosted my first non-family overnight guests early in the month - with some of the IBC teen girls. It was nice to have other noise bellowing throughout VdM in the morning. After the girls left VdM - I headed to Mom and Dad's for what was supposed to be a day of shopping - but plans changed. While eating a piece of warmed coffee cake Mom experienced what we thought at the time to be a Stroke. I must say it was the SCARIEST moment of my life - I was there as the entire episode unfolded, and I must be honest that thoughts of loosing my Mom that day filled me with fear. Thankfully after many tests and scans, we found out that what she experienced was a reaction to something that she was eating and the physical temperature of the food - it was a natural reaction the body has to something that is too hot or too cold, and the symptoms are all similar to that of a Stroke. Since I love to cook/bake I decided I would prepare Easter Dinner for the family this year - a task I thoroughly enjoyed! The following weekend I had the honor of assisting two of my best friends on their wedding day. Tim and Lisa's wedding was beautiful, romantic and true reflection of their love for each other!! I also challenged myself with 40 goals to accomplish before May, 2016...this is the gift I gave to myself of birthday in May. I've worked towards many of them and have a accomplished a few, but I need to make greater strides at accomplishing them on a more regular basis.
May {my most favorite month}began with Breaking World News. I'll never forget - it was a Sunday night, and I was in bed early still trying to recover from the events of the weekend {Tim and Lisa's wedding}. I had the TV on for background noise, but was reading through cookbooks {hard to imagine, I know!}, and Brian Williams (NBC News Anchor) broke in and said, "President Obama will be addressing the country within the hour". I found this to be rather importantly odd and very much unsettling - I mean it was 9:00 p.m. on a Sunday evening...not many addresses from a President come on Sunday evenings at almost 10:00 p.m. that probably are of some tragic capacity. My attention was now half on the cookbooks and half on staying "tuned in" awaiting the address. After several delays the President took the podium and addressed the nation and the world, announcing that US Navy Seals had captured and killed Osama Bin Laden earlier that day - peace filled my mind, fear filled my mind. Hayden finished his first year of college at ODU in mid-May, and had his first Spring and Summer without baseball, since he was four. I also co-planned a Mother/Daughter Luncheon at IBC for the Saturday following Mother's Day...it was a nice event, and enjoyed by many. May also held my 35th Birthday - YIKES!! I hosted a birthday party for my family and some friends at my favorite past time location - outside of the kitchen - Outside the Lines Creative Studio. I think everyone enjoyed it...and some have even gone back on their own! Jim Tressel was fired as the Ohio State Football couch on Memorial Day weekend, as part of the continuing scandal that broke loose in December, 2010 - Luke Fickell was announced as Interim Couch for the 2011 Season.
June was a super busy month! The first Tuesday in June brought a dream of mine to reality. I planned, coordinated and hosted a Summer Bible Study at Villa de Megalicious on Tuesday evenings for teen girls going into or already in High School. It was a blessing and challenge - all at once. We studied "Lies Young Women Believe: and The Truth that Sets them Free". I had 4 girls who attended/participated each week. I'm hoping to continue a similar ministry this summer as well. In addition to the Bible Study, I also spent most non-working hours finalizing plans for VBS at IBC! Emily, along with the IBC teens spent a week in Utah doing Backyard Bible Clubs - and I was happy to work with the Bible Teachers to get them ready for their ministry. Their week show an increase in attendance each night and more of a connection to the church with the kids in that neighborhood - but best of all, it held the Spiritual Birthday of one of the kids who attended!. June held a small cut in Kari's apron strings, as Sophia attended her first year of Summer Camp at Scioto Hills - and had great week of growth both developmentally and spiritually.
July means extended amounts of sunshine, lots of time at the pool, yummy food at picnics and fireworks! And this year was no different! Gold Rush 2011, was a great week of ministry at IBC and we saw 90 kids attend VBS. IBC is blessed with many talented people that made my job of VBS Director. We continue to reach out to the VBS attendees through various means in hopes of seeing many attend IBC on a regular basis and begin/restore/continue a relationship with Jesus Christ. Once VBS had come to an end, I had more time to enjoy the extended amounts of sunlight and free time in the evening. Ayana played soccer this summer and loved it, so many Saturday mornings you could find me on the sidelines cheering her on. Elijah began Mai Thai - and I was able to catch a couple of his classes as well. The Kiddos spent a weekend with me, and we had a blast hanging at the pool, watching movies, walking to meet Jenni and Ryan for pizza, and just making memories! The Bible Study continued on Tuesday evenings - and was always a highlight to my week. The US State Department gave me permission to leave the country by granting me a passport - which worked out for plans I had made for August.
August brought a trip of a lifetime! Ryan, Jenni, Tim, Lisa and I (C5) boarded a plane in the wee hours of Saturday, August 13 and headed to CANCUN, MEXICO!!! OH it was wonderful, beautiful, peaceful, restful and every thing I thought it would be. The water was crystal clear, the white sand sparkled like diamonds, the hot sun baked us to golden tans {some more than others}, the food was outrageously delicious, the people were hardworking and hospitable, the experiences of the culture were eye opening and the memories will last a lifetime! August also brought one of the hardest days in the life of our family, as Terry (the kiddos father) was sentenced to four years in prison for his part in the accident from October, 2010. This was and has been the hardest part of our year - helping the kiddos understand and grasp this reality - was not and continues to be something we face on any given day. They are still very happy children, who are active in various activities and doing well in school. But once again their normal changed - and they (we) are still adjusting to this new normal. August brings the end of the Summer - and the start of a new school year. Hayden started his Sophomore at ODU and looking at internships for the Summer of 2012; Emily became a Junior and has begun the college selection process; Sophia entered 3rd grade, she loves arts and crafts, and is looking forward to playing basketball in January 2012; Elijah began 2nd grade and continues to love math and Lego's, and is becoming a Hockey fan; Ayana entered 1st grade and has acquired a love for reading, she wants to be a teacher one day, and she continues to keeps us laughing with her random remarks to life. August ended by celebrating Gabriella's first birthday. She is such a joy to our family and is growing so quickly. Her smile and personality are such a blessing to all of us. She knows how to say "more", "eat" and "thank you" in sign-language...in addition to learning to speak some basic 16 month words.
September began with Kari and the kiddos spending Labor Day Weekend Saturday with me poolside at VdM! We swam and soaked int the sun all day, ending the day with meeting Jenni for dinner that evening - it was a great day! Elijah decided he wanted to (as he says it) "show everyone that I (he) am a child of God's", and went forward for baptism. September also had me on the road again! As if Cancun wasn't enough the C5 filled a mini-van with duffle bags, coolers of cold beverages and containers of snacks - and headed for Nashville! We toured the Opyland Hotel and the Grand Ole Opry - where we sang "You are My Sunshine" on the stage. We walked all over Downtown Nashville and toured the Country Music Hall of Fame. Again, it was a great weekend! The next weekend found me meeting another food challenge - planning, preparing and cooking breakfast for the BFL/MRC Board and volunteers. I had been looking forward to this challenge for a long time! Everyone seemed to enjoy the food and I had several ask for recipes and if I catered or would consider catering other events! OH YIKES - not sure if I'm ready for all of that...I just LOVE to cook/bake for others! The Ohio State football team had a rough start to what was a very rough season. I returned as an IT leader, again this year.
October was a semi low-key month. I enjoyed the slow pace of the month. I took some time off towards the end of the month and enjoyed time of relaxation. I was able to go apple picking with Steve and his family, along with Wendy's Mom, Dad and Step-Mom...one of my favorite Fall Activities! The annual Thornton Family Harvest Party was again a highlight to kicking off the upcoming Thanksgiving/Christmas season. The kiddos allowed me to join them for Trick-Or-Treat again this year, and that was a lot of fun! I enjoyed the Missions Conference at IBC and the IT Missionary Progressive Dinner. The semi low-key schedule also allowed me to "get in" several of Emily's Volleyball games - where is was co-Captain of the Varsity team.
November brought Elijah getting baptised! It is always a highlight and blessing when you see someone in your family following Christ, in this act of obedience. Since there were no movies out that I wanted to see, I enjoyed pizza and movies at VdM on Veteran's Day. Ryan turned 30 this year - but he didn't allow for a big party. Heaven became a sweeter place on November 12, when Joan lost her battle with cancer and entered the joy of her reward. Thanksgiving Day I spent having breakfast with Mom, Dad, Jenni, Kari and the Kiddos - then went to Jenni's for the morning and most of the afternoon to look at ads and make our plan of attack. Jenni, Kari and I went, saw and conquered Toys R Us that evening- and then Jenni and I met up with Ryan (later joined by Tracy, Emily and Katie) at Kohl's. We shopped for about an hour and waited in line for another three...okay we were still able to shop during those three hours, depending on which section of the store we were in. Kohl's was followed by hitting up Steak-n-Shake at 4:00 a.m., then off to Old Navy at 5:00 a.m.. I was in bed by 6:00 a.m., and got up at 11:00 to hit the stores again - Kari joined us again that afternoon! The Thornton Family Thanksgiving was a great time as usual,, with good food and lots of laughter, on the Saturday after Thanksgiving...even though the Buckeyes lost to the team up North for the first time in 10 years. The T.E.A.C.H. team did a wonderful job of using their talents to minister in Jr. Church for the month...it is such a joy to watch the teens willingly use their gifts to honor God and minister to others.
December of course brought everything Christmas! But before that, came the announcement of Urban Meyer as head coach of the Ohio State Football Team....later in the month we learned that Ohio State would be made an example of by the NCAA, and their decision of punishment on the scandal that had broken one year before. The Christmas Concert at IBC was a great way to kick off the Christmas season...we are so blessed by many beautiful musical talents. Many in the family kept the tradition of sorting cards at IBC alive for the 24th year - we sorted over 1,700 cards this year. Christmas Eve at Jenni's included the addition of Ryan, his parents, brothers and Grandma Betty - we had a great time of food, games and lots of laughter. Christmas Eve also took Steve's family back at Wendy's dad's - which was a blessing for them! Christmas Day was filled with our traditions at Kari's, Church and then to Mom and Dad's for the family gift exchange. Later that evening some of us headed downtown for our annual visit to the State Auto Nativity and ended the night playing The LOGO Board Game. I've taken my traditional week-off from work, and I'm enjoying lots of time with family and relaxation.
2011 was the year of mixed emotions and new challenges - some self-imposed and others not so much, but I must admit, it was all in all a great year! 2012 is going to be a year of BIG changes for me, HARD changes - but changes that need to be made. However, I know that I will not walk this road alone - God will lead me and is leading me in these changes, and I'll have my family and friends to hold me up physically and emotionally when the road gets too steep.
Good-bye 2011 and Hello 2012!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Order Up...
The breakfast was scheduled to begin at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 24. I knew that most of my baked good/pastry-like items would need to be prepared prior to that morning leaving ample oven space and time for those items that had to be handled the morning of. So I blocked off all of Friday evening to bake and prep dishes for Saturday. With the help of my Mom and youngest sister, I was able to accomplish all of my goals for Friday evening, and then they did a tag team operation on Saturday to provide additional assistance. I was doing well with the stress and only began to min-freak out around 8:15 when I wasn't sure I'd meet my deadline. Breakfast lines would open at 9:15 a.m. - following a welcome and prayer. I was at the church on Friday from 6:15 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. - my youngest nieces and nephew did assist in making/prepping some of the dishes and also begin gracious taste testers...their favorite the Apple Pie Muffins. We had a few oops moments - but we recovered them nicely...actually the dish we had the biggest OOPS with - was a dish that everyone raved over! I did receive a few "war wounds" - a couple of burns...one will be left on my arm as a reminder of this personal food challenge!
My goal was to be back at IBC by 6:30 a.m. - but thanks to the heavy fog that morning I was 10 min. late to making that goal. However, I quickly made up the time and breakfast was ready to be served at 9:08 a.m. - can I get a "WOOT WOOT!" I thought I'd share some of the recipes with you. Many of the ladies who attended asked for copies - and those have been e-mailed. A couple of other ladies even asked if I catered or would consider catering...WOWZAS really? I never thought my food was catering quality. But I told them that while I don't have a catering business, I'm always open to considering an opportunity to bless others with my love of food.
A few of the recipes I used are below...I knew you'd want your own copy!
Cinnamon Swirl Coffee Cake (Source: "Help My Family is Hungry")
1 package yellow cake mix
1 package (3 ounces) vanilla instant pudding
1/2 cup vegetable oil
4 eggs
1 cup sour cream
1 cup chopped pecans
3/4 cup sugar
3 tablespoons cinnamon
Preheat oven to 350*, Spray Bundt pan with vegetable oil.
Place cake mix, pudding mix, oil, eggs and sour cream in a mixing bowl, and beat on low with an electric mixer for 8 minutes. In a small bowl stir together remaining ingredients.
Pour a third of the cake batter into prepared bundt pan. Sprinkle 1/3 of the sugar mixture on top. Draw a knife through the two mixtures to create a marble effect. Repeat two more times, using remaining batter and sugar mixture.
Bake 1 hour. Cool in pan for 10 minutes and then dump onto serving platter. (I sprinkled the top with confectioner's sugar) Servings: 12
Pumpkin Coffee Cake (Source: Allrecipes.com)
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons cold butter (I only use real butter)
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 cup sour cream
3/4 cup canned pumpkin
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
1/4 teaspoon salt
Preheat oven to 325*. Spray and flour a 9x13 cake pan.
In a small bowl, combine sugars and cinnamon. Cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Stir in pecans; set aside.
In a mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Combine the sour cream, pumpkin and vanilla; mix well. Combine dry ingredients; add to creamed mixture. Beat on low just until blended. Spread batter into prepared pan. Sprinkle with topping mixture.
Bake for 40-50 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Servings: 16
Blueberry Sour Cream Coffee Cake (Source: Allrecipes.com)
1 cup butter, softened
2 cups white sugar
2 eggs
1 cup sour cream
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 5/8 cup all purpose flour (5/8 is 1/2 cup and 2 tablespoons)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cups fresh or frozen blueberries (I used fresh)
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup chopped pecans
Confectioner's sugar for dusting
Preheat oven to 350*. Grease and flour a 9-inch bundt pan.
In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the sour cream and vanilla. Combine the flour, baking powder and salt. Stir into the batter, just until blended. Fold in the blueberries.
Spoon half of the batter into the prepared pan. In a small bowl, stir together the brown sugar, cinnamon and pecans. Sprinkle half of this mixture over the batter in pan. Spoon remaining batter over the top, and then sprinkle with remaining pecan mixture over. Use a knife or thin spatula to swirl the sugar layer into the cake.
Bake 55 to 60 minutes, or until a knife inserted in the crown of the cake comes out clean. Cool in the pan over a wire rack. Invert onto a serving plate - tap firmly to remove from pan. Dust with confectioner's sugar just before serving. Servings: 12
Sausage Pinwheels (aka Sausage Swirly Doos) (Source: Allrecipes.com)
1 pound Sausage Roll (uncooked)
1 can crescent roll dough
Shredded cheddar cheese
Remove crescent roll dough from the can. DO NOT separate rolls. Roll out dough to a 16x4 inch rectangle - pulling dough as needed, making sure not to create holes in the dough. Carefully spread uncooked sausage in and even layer over the dough. Sprinkle with desired amount of shredded cheese. Roll the dough lengthwise to form a long roll. Wrap in plastic wrap and freeze for 15 min.
Preheat oven to 350*. Using a serrated knife, cut dough into 1/2 inch thick slices. Place on an ungreased baking sheet (make sure it has edges). Bake 15-20 minutes, or until sausage is cooked through. Serve hot. Refrigerate leftovers.
Apple Pie Muffins (Source: Allrecipes.com)
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup butter, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups packed brown sugar
2 cups diced apples (I used Fuji)
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons butter, melted
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Line a 12 cup muffin tin with paper muffin cups.
In a large bowl, stir together 2 1/4 cups flour, baking soda and salt. In a separate smaller bowl, mix together the egg, buttermilk, 1/2 cup melted butter, vanilla and 1 1/2 cups of brown sugar until sugar has dissolved. Pour into the flour mixture and sprinkle the diced apple into the bowl as well. Stir just until everything is blended. Spoon into the prepared muffin tin, filling the cups almost to the top.
In a small bowl, stir together 1/2 cup of brown sugar, 1/3 cup flour and cinnamon. Drizzle in 2 tablespoons of melted butter while tossing with a fork until well blended. Sprinkle this over the tops of the muffins.
Bake for 25 minutes in the preheated oven, or until the tops of the muffins spring back when lightly pressed. Servings: 12
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Cupcake Stand: Pumpkin Cupcakes with Cinnamon-Cream Cheese Frosting...
Well those who follow know - I LOVE to cook and bake!! Being that this is one of my greatest passions - I subscribe to several magazines that monthly give me ideas of new items to try and plenty of cooking/baking tips! One of my favorite subscriptions is a small little magazine that comes out quarterly by Kraft - "Food & Family". It was a free publication for many years, but like every other good thing...that too came to an end. Last year do the increase in...well everything....they began charging for their quarterly magazine. It's only $6.00 a year...and it's SO worth it for all the wonderful recipes and ideas you get! Last week I was thrilled when I opened my mail box and found the Fall, 2011 edition waiting for me to crack open! I become giddy when new food magazines arrive! :) So many yummy ideas and recipes for Autumn (my favorite season!) - but one particular stood out, and I knew I had too try this recipe sooner rather than later...Pumpkin Cupcakes with Cinnamon-Cream Cheese Frosting!
Recently C-bus has been experiencing the cooler mornings and evenings that come with this time of year...typical late August/early September weather in these parts! So I've been thinking of getting the kitchen warmed up with delicious yumminess again! (While I love to cook/bake the Summer is always so busy and super hot - so I don't cook/bake as much as I do throughout the rest of the year!) Last night was a good night to turn on the oven and bake! There was a steady cool breeze blowing in the window - so it made standing in a warm kitchen bearable. After the last night of the Girls Summer Bible Study - I ran to the store to pick up a few items that I didn't have on hand - and was thankful that I had stocked up on a few cans of pumpkin last Fall...since they didn't have it available yet in the store! I was very eager to get home and try this new recipe. As soon as I opened the Spice Cake Mix - I could smell Autumn swoosh out of the box. Instantly the room was filled with the aroma of hearty pungent spices. Then when the can of pumpkin opened, it was as if Thanksgiving had just walked into the room! The aroma of baking pumpkin and spices filled all three levels of Villa de Megalicious, in what felt like an instant - even this morning the smell lingered in the kitchen!
I've shared the finished product them with a few people - and they are no longer lurking around VdM waiting for me to consume...which my diet appreciates! There reactions were all very similar "mmm" and "oh this is really good" - all with the first bite still in their mouth!
If you love pumpkin - this one is for you! It would compliment a hot cup of coffee or a warm cup of tea! Enjoy!
Pumpkin Cupcakes with Cinnamon-Cream Cheese Frosting
(Source Kraft - Food & Family Fall, 2011)
Makes 24 cupcakes (although I got 30 out of my batch)
1 package (2-layer size) spice cake
1 cup Sour Cream (I used Kroger Brand)
1 can (15 oz) pumpkin
1/4 cup oil
3 eggs
1 package (8 oz) Cream Cheese, softened (I used Kroger Brand)
1/4 cup butter, softened (I used REAL butter - its the only kind to use when baking/cooking)
1 tsp. vanilla
1 package (16 oz) powdered sugar (again Kroger brand)
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
Heat oven to 350*
Beat first 5 ingredients with mixer until well blended; spoon into 24 paper lined muffin cups. (I use the Pampered Chef large scoop when filling cupcake/muffin tins).
Bake 20 to 22 min. or until toothpick inserted in centers comes out clean. Cool in pans 10 min.; remove from pans. Cool completely.
Beat cream cheese, butter and vanilla in a large bowl with mixer until well blended. Gradually beat in sugar. Blend in cinnamon. Spread over cupcakes.
Store frosted cupcakes in refrigerator.
**TIP: When making muffins and cupcakes - to reduce air pockets in your batter...once tins are filled lightly tap the pan on the counter a few times to reduce bubbles, helping to reduce empty pockets of air in your finished product. This also works for cake batters.**
P.S. My mom has already requested these be at our family Thanksgiving!!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Too many people put off something that brings them joy just because they
haven't thought about it, don't have it on their schedule, didn't know it was
coming or are too rigid to depart from their routine.
I got to thinking one day about all those people on the Titanic who passed up dessert at dinner that fateful night in an effort to cut back. From then on, I've tried to be a
little more flexible. How many women out there will eat at home because
their husband didn't suggest going out to dinner until after something had been
thawed? Does the word 'refrigeration' mean nothing to you?
How often have your kids dropped in to talk and sat in silence while you watched 'Jeopardy ' on television?
I cannot count the times I called my sister and said , 'How about going to lunch in a half hour?' She would gas up and stammer, 'I can't. I have clothes on the line. My hair is dirty. I wish I had known yesterday, I had a late breakfast, It looks like rain' And my personal favorite: 'It's Monday.' She died a few days ago. We never did have lunch together.
Because we cram so much into our lives, we tend to schedule our headaches.. We live on a sparse diet of promises we make to ourselves when all the conditions are perfect! We'll go back and visit the grandparents when we get Steve toilet-trained. We'll entertain when we replace the living-room carpet. We'll go on a second honeymoon when we get two more kids out of college.
Life has a way of accelerating as we get older. The days get shorter, and the list of promises to ourselves gets longer. One morning, we awaken, and all we have to show for our lives is a litany of 'I'm going to,' 'I plan on,' and 'Someday, when things are settled down a bit.'
When anyone calls my 'seize the moment' friend, she is open to adventure and available for trips. She keeps an open mind on new ideas. Her enthusiasm for life is
contagious. You talk with her for five minutes, and you're ready to trade your bad feet for a pair of Rollerblades and skip an elevator for a bungee cord.
My lips have not touched ice cream in 10 years. I love ice cream. It's just that I might as well apply it directly to my stomach with a spatula and eliminate the digestive process. The other day, I stopped the car and bought a triple-decker. If my car had hit an iceberg on the way home, I would have died happy.
Now....go on and have a nice day. Do something you WANT to...not something on your SHOULD DO list. If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting? I had a friend from high school that I was always going to call and never did. The other day her name was in the obituaries so we never had that chat.
Make sure you read this to the end; you will understand why I sent this to you.
Have you ever watched kids playing on a merry go round or listened to the rain lapping on the ground? Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight or gazed at the sun into the fading night? Do you run through each day on the fly? When you ask, 'How are you?' Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done, do you lie in your bed with the next hundred chores running through your head? Ever told your child, 'We'll do it tomorrow.' and in your haste, not see his sorrow? Ever lost touch? Let a good friendship die? Just call to say 'Hi'?
When you worry and hurry through your day, it is like an unopened gift....Thrown away.... Life is not a race. Take it slower. Hear the music before the song is over.
What about you...are you making the most of every day, every situation, every moment of this gift you have called life?
Monday, June 27, 2011
Simple Woman's Daybook 06.27.11
I am thinking...that I really should be going to bed early tonight - it's already 11:00 p.m.
I am thankful...for my job! Tomorrow I'll celebrate one year at my current employer! God has taught me so much this year.
From the learning rooms...well I'm learning a lot of general life lessons right now. I was especially challenged by yesterday's sermon, specifically the point of...having faith to follow without knowing all the details and leaving those things that are familiar!
In the kitchen...I'm starting to work on some original recipes - one involves Chicken and Doritos!
I am wearing...my favorite pair of jean capris and a red shirt with a firework on it - gearing up for the Fourth of July!!
I am creating...a list of things to pack, do and purchase before I head on a very special trip!
I am going...to be super busy at work for the next two weeks, as we wrap up the details for Huntington Credit College.
I am wondering...how Sophia is doing at her first night of Summer Camp!! I'm so excited for her!!
I am reading...a few different things - but mainly "Lies Young Women Believe - and the Truth that Sets Them Free". It's the book we are studying in the Summer Bible/Book study I'm leading on Tuesday evenings for girls 8th Grade and above.
I am hoping...everything goes well with VBS, it starts in less than 2 weeks - and I'm starting to reach panic mode.
I am looking forward to...having the girls back tomorrow evening for our Bible/Book Study
I am hearing...the dancing fountain and nightly bug/critter noises.
Around the house...I'm enjoying the perennial garden on my back patio. Trying to figure out what to do in the front.
I am pondering...a few things - nothing I'm ready to share just yet.
One of my favorite things...Red, White & Boom and various other firework displays this weekend! I LOVE FIREWORKS!!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Work, Bible/Book Study, Church, RW&B, fireworks displays and time with friends, celebrating my Momma's birthday!
Praying for...IBC, Terry, opportunities to share Christ in word and action, Christy, VBS, Joan and family.
A verse to share: "For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ." Galatians 1:10 (ESV)
A lyric to share:
Friday, June 24, 2011
Singled Out...
Weddings are always a very bittersweet event for me.
I'm always excited to celebrate with the happy couple! I can't wait to see the beautiful dress! The way the church and reception hall are decorated! The smile on the Bride's face that lights up the room! The pride of the Groom watching his Bride walk down the aisle!
I'm reminded of my singleness. I'm reminded of the void in my life - that I long to fill. I'm sitting alone - filled with love to offer someone, yet no one wants my love. I'm one of only a few my age that's not been given this gift. I'm reminded of my incompleteness as the Pastor talks about how the couple coming together complete each other.
Last weekend I attended a wedding and two things happened that singled out, my singleness.
After the wedding, a lady approached me in the parking lot - handed me a baseball glove and smiled...actually laughed as she handed it to me. I asked what it was for - she said, "its to help you catch the bouquet". And then laughed some more, harder. I just looked at her. I really wanted to just cry. I really wanted to tell her how cruel that was. I really wanted to take the glove and smack her in the face with it - to be completely honest. Where did she find the humor in this? How would she feel if I made fun of or made light of a circumstance in her life that she wished were different? How would she feel if I were her daughter, and someone else did that to me? How would she feel if she knew that inside my heart, that was already tender, was now breaking into even smaller pieces because of her cruel joke. She continued to smirk, as I handed the glove back and said - "no thanks". Never once cracking a smile. I hope she got my point. I hope she saw my hurt - although I don't think she did.
I went to the reception. It was beautiful. The food was very good. The traditional dances began - first dance, father/daughter mother/son. A special slow dance was played for all the married couples - it was nice. The couple married the longest had been married for 54 years - and they were dancing as if it were their wedding day. Then the DJ announced that another slow song would play. This time for those who aren't married. I realize that was for dating couples, friends who dance together, etc. But did they really have to choose a slow song for the single people in the room to dance to - it just rubbed me the wrong way. I was probably overreacting and being ultra sensitive - those are the usual comments single people get when their feelings are hurt on that subject, we aren't supposed to allow our feelings to be hurt - apparently. I said "oh yeah - who are the single people supposed to dance with to a song like this - when it's just them". Someone at the table said I could dance with my sister. That comment just burned through me like a flaming sword. Between the situation in the parking lot and that comment my feelings were now officially stomped to the ground and hurt. How can people be so inconsiderate? Don't they know that singles already feel alone, unwanted and not worthy of the gift of love? I reacted - and my words were harsh. I was wrong for not controlling my words or emotions. When others at the table went to get cake - I left. I didn't want to be in this place any longer. I didn't want to have to force a smile - when inside I just wanted to hide in the darkest corner and cry. So I left - the room was dark and I could sneak out. Actually, when I left no one even said goodbye - they probably didn't see me leaving, and I was okay with that. I need to just leave. I know it sounds like I was making it all about me - but I wasn't...others were making it all about me by their comments.
The next day at church immediately after the service the person who made the comment - approached me with tears in their eyes and apologized. They were very sincere. They said they didn't mean to offend me, they just wanted me to be able to dance. I accepted their apology, and I apologized for my reaction.
The lady with the baseball glove...she probably still thinks it's funny and has no idea how much it hurt. She actually did the same thing that same day, in a similar manner to another single person while they waited to be dismissed from the ceremony - it hurt them too. But they were stronger than me - they were able to appease the lady and give a little laugh.
Moral of this Story: For someone who longs to be married - singleness is not a laughing matter...and the last thing a single person wants to be is the punch line of some one's "single" joke and singled out.
Blessings are daily gifts from God - they don't always come in the wrapping paper we expect or want...but the "wrong wrapping paper" doesn't make them any less of a blessing.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
What up??...
Hi Friends!! Were you afraid I had forgotten about my blog...I haven't! I actually think of it often, but I've not taken the time to update! A friend, follower and fellow blogger sent me a text the other day with a soft reminder that it's been awhile since I've blogged...and she is VERY right.
A lot has happened since I last posted...let's see, here are some highlights -
- I helped coordinate a wedding for two of my bestest friends! It was a very lovely day and they both looked stunning!
- I've started on my scripture memory quest - currently working on Proverbs 31. Titus 2 is next.
- I cooked Easter Dinner for my family!
- I've had overnight guests - twice!!
- I've purchased and was approved for a passport!! Oh snap!!
- I've purchased tickets for a trip - more details to come after that occurs! Let's just say - I can't wait!! :)
- I, along with the rest of the family, participated in my neighborhood carport sale! It was a semi-success. The items I didn't sell - I loaded in to the car and donated them to charity. I figured it they are outside of my house - they aren't going back in!! It was so nice to get rid of stuff that I don't use any more. I also signed up for the local Kidney Foundation to put me on their monthly pick-up schedule - so I can continue to the process of simplifying.
- I've started recycling - some...I need to get better at this!
- I've lost 20 pounds! This has been a huge task for me...I have 40 more to go. I just love food so much!! But I'm learning to love exercise, and the way I feel in my clothes now!
- I planted a perennial garden, on my back patio! I love it! My mom got me a couple of solar globes stakes for my Birthday, and I put them in this garden - they change various colors starting at dusk and rotate throughout the night - I love it!
- I celebrated my Birthday! I hosted a pottery painting party at my favorite studio for friends and family- and it was a lot of fun!! Jenni provided the delicious food at this party and at my family cook-out. I also enjoyed two other birthday dinners!!
- VBS is just around the corner, so I've been busy coordinating and planning - I'm so anxious and excited for it to be here.
- Because of the enormous amount of leaves at Villa de Megalicious, and because I felt like I was going to go crazy keeping up with cleaning them up - I purchased a leaf blower/mulcher dealy-o...it looks like a bazooka and it's almost as tall as I am (STOP LAUGHING!!) . Let's just say - I could be dangerous. But so far - I've not broken a nail! :)
- I've started creating some of the cleaning, home maintenance, holiday/seasonal decorating schedules.
- I've started working on a couple of original recipes!
- I'm hosting/coordinating a Book/Bible Study for teen girls (8th grade and above) in my home this summer! We meet on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. We are studying "Lies Young Women Believe - and the Truth that Will Set Them Free" - I highly recommend this book!! I have four girls that attend, and it's a great opportunity to build a connection with them and to invest into their lives.
- I've started disciplining/witnessing to a teen girl who is facing various struggles/issues right now. I must say, I don't feel equipped to fill this roll - but God has given me the right words, verses, etc. just as I need them. We are building a connection, and I'm hoping that our time together is helping her. She's not a believer, but attends a church faithfully - she knows her need of salvation, she's just not ready yet (those are her words, not mine). So that has been something we've talked about in great detail.
- I assisted in coordinating IBC's Mother/Daughter Luncheon! I enjoyed it a great deal, although it was one of the more stressful events I've planned!
- I've been at Huntington for almost one year now...hard to believe, I know!
- Meg's Meal Ministry is slowly getting back up and "running". I was able this week to provide a meal for a young family who has been visiting our church. I have a list of meals to make and people to have in my home...I just need to make the time. I'm hoping that the mid-July early August I'll be able to be doing more in this area - and increasing it in the coming months.
- I was asked to make an appreciation breakfast for volunteers who work in our church's Maternity Resource Center. It's not until September - but I'm so excited about this. I've never done anything like this for so many people (40 ish)...and I'm looking forward to the challenge!!
- We are doing some Life Skills classes with the ladies @ IBC (High School age and above) - and I was asked to teach a class on Crock-Pot/Slow Cooker Cooking. That's coming up at some point this Summer/early Fall. I must say, this one I'm a little nervous about! We have many wonderful cooks at IBC - and I really hope I am able to meet the desires/expectations of the ladies in the class!! I'm hoping to show them crock-pots aren't only for making Soup or Pot Roast.
As you can see - a lot has occurred, and hopefully you see why I've not posted in a while. I feel I'm missing some thing - and it's probably something big. But honestly - I'm starting to see a pattern, that I don't like - I'm using the word "I" a lot! It's not really I that is doing all of this - it's actually God. He is the one who is providing and working in many of these areas - I'm just a vessel He is choosing to use. Several items on here are part of the goals I've set for myself - and while some are things I've purposely begun or started...some are simply doors that I've seen God open...the Crock-Pot class, disciplining the teen girl, the appreciation breakfast opportunity. I must say that it's exciting to see what God is doing in my life and through me - and while right now I'm feeling slightly disconnected from a place that once felt like home - I'm rejoicing that I'm very connected to God, and I'm enjoying walking with Him...following His lead.
More to come...on those things listed above and other topics not yet discussed! Hope you are still following me!! :)
Sunday, April 10, 2011
SCARIEST 30 seconds of my life...
I arrived at Mom and Dad's around 10:00. While we were waiting for Jenni, Mom offered me a piece of coffee cake (Jenni made it and it's the BEST coffee cake recipe EVER!). I asked for a small piece and Mom warmed her's with butter in the microwave. As we were just starting to enjoy our cake and some catch-up convo (I hadn't had my parents to myself in a few weeks - so I was taking full advantage of that special time!), Mom sat her plate down on the table beside her - said, "Man I got a hot piece", then place her hand on her head. I looked at her and asked if she was okay. She didn't respond - I asked again. Her head slumped down and her body began to briefly tremble. She still was not responding. I continued to forcefully, but as calmly as I could say "Mom, Mom are you okay" - while shaking her shoulder. She still didn't respond. By this point I was in front of her, looking at her square on - calling her name. Her left arm and hand then began to shake. In my mind I thought I was watching my Mom have a Stroke before my eyes. I was scared - but remained calm. She then looked at me - her face was pale, and her beautiful blue eyes were glassy and had great fear in them. She still didn't respond, but her left hand grab hold of mine and held it tight. Then just as quickly as it happened - the color flooded back to her face and she responded..."I got a hot piece." I then sat down again next to her, still holding her hand and asked how she felt. "I feel fine, I just got a hot piece." She then agreed to needing a glass of water. As I walked from the living room to the kitchen, my heart was racing and my legs felt like they were made of jello. Mom quickly sat on the couch, sipping her water and I was itching for Jenni to get there. Dad had called 911 - but when she "snapped" back he told them we were okay. I thought, "You and Mom might be okay - but I'm totally 100% freaked out." I then went outside to cool down, process what I just witnessed and wait for Jenni to arrive. As soon as Jenni arrived, I went to her car, jumped in and lost it - tears were rolling as I was trying to explain what just happened. She jumped out, went in to asses the situation and demanded that Mom be checked out. Mom was very resistant - but we told her it had to happen. So to keep the peace, she went - but told us it was a waste of time. Jenni, Mom and I headed for the ER - while Dad called Steve and Kari. Soon Steve was at the ER and Kari was with Dad at the house. Mom seemed to be right back to herself - but we knew it was very important for her to "be seen"...just to make sure.
We then spent the next four hours in the ER. After blood work, being put on a heart monitor, an EKG, and a CT scan it was determined that the episode was not related to her heart or a neurological condition/issue. Rather a reaction of her Vagal nerve, located in your GI track. Apparently when this nerve reacts it causes stroke like symptoms. This nerve reacts when you eat something that is extremely hot or cold, it drops your blood pressure drop and until your body "resets" itself you experience it exactly what my Mom experienced.
We are so thankful that Mom is fine, now. She got home and went right back to doing what she always does - taking care of Dad, laundry, reading with the grand kids, laughing and just being my absolutely wonderfully beautiful Mom that I love so much. By the way - she was really hoping to finish off that coffee cake, but it was thrown away when one of the grand kids volunteered to do the dishes while Mom was in the ER.
The entire episode felt like it took 30 minutes...but 30 seconds would be more accurate. Either way it was THE SCARIEST 30 seconds of my life.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
40 by (May) 2016 – 40 Goals to accomplish by the time I’m 40!!!...

Each year for my birthday, I get myself a gift...I mean why not? I work hard, stay busy serving with my ministries and serving the Lord, and usually put others before myself - so why not buy myself a gift every once in awhile!! But this year as I've thought about what I wanted - I thought what I would do, is give myself a gift that will take me 5 years to accomplish...that's right 5 years!!! Okay I'll be honest...I usually like the instant gratification, especially when it relates to gifts!! I should note that I'm stealing this idea, sorta, from a fellow blogger - so I must admit the idea is not original to me - but the plan of action is completely original and 100% related to me. I've decided that I would set 40 different goals for myself and work towards achieving each one before I turn 40 in May, 2016. I feel like all of these goals are very attainable and very realistic. Some of these goals are fairly simple and will easily be obtained in no time - while others will take a lot of dedication, hard work and commitment. Some will allow me to use my time giving back to others in ways I've wanted to, but haven't because I am Single - for example, I've always wanted to lead a Ladies Bible Study, but I've never been asked because I'm Single and apparently can't relate to other women - so instead, I'm going to use this desire and my passion for teen girls to lead a Summer Bible Study for girls 8-12th grade - with the hopes of it becoming a yearly "event" each Summer. Some are items that I've just always wanted to do and I've not taken the time to for whatever reason. Some will allow me to enjoy my home and allow others to enjoy it as well - I hate being at home alone. However, God has provided me with a beautiful home that I pay for each month - I need to enjoy it, care for it and I need to use it serve and glorify Him...so instead of keeping myself so busy that I'm never home, I'm going to allow myself time to be at home and also have others into my home on a more regular basis through various things. I'm also going to take some time to learn some things that I've always wanted to learn and accomplish some tasks that I've always told myself I could never do - like change the oil in my car or build something with tools - YIKES!.
My list of goals will be a gift I give to myself - it will allow me to use my desires, passions, gifts and talents to show myself that I do have a place in this world...even if I'm walking alone. So as I accomplish or work towards different goals - I'll blog about it! Which, blogging more is a goal that I've set, because I love it and it allows me to speak, when usually I'm very silent at home...a one way conversation never gets too far!! :)
Spiritual Growth, Ministry or Community Involvement- Lead a Teen Girl’s Bible Study in the Summer for 5 years
- Meg’s Meal Ministry - 1) One monthly meal in home with dinner guest(s); 2) One monthly meal provided outside of the home to friends, family, neighbors or those in need; and 3) Provide dinner once a year at the Ronald McDonald House
- Get to know my neighbors by name and something about them
- Become involved in my Community Association
- Memorize 35 different passages (series of verses or whole chapters) of scripture
- Start a Hospitality Ministry
- Disciple a teen girl one-on-one
- Provide monthly support to a missionary or missionary endeavor, with the goal being to support two in the end of five years
- Go on a Mission’s Trip and/or spend a week one week one summer working in a Camp Kitchen
- Hold a Backyard Bible Club
- Take and complete two certificate programs @ CSCC
- Start my own business
- Build something
- Learn how to change the oil in my car
- Try one new recipe each month and blog about it
- Create and keep a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly and quarterly cleaning, household maintenance and seasonal decorating schedule
- Host and lead a cooking/entertaining/hospitality class in my home
- Grow a container veggie garden
- Make smart financial decisions – learn to coupon and reduce my spending
- Learn to Can
- Learn to sew by hand and with a machine
- Re-organize Villa de Megalicious – and simplify
- Create 5 original recipes
- Grow an herb garden
- Remodel my main bathroom
- Make homemade gifts for Christmas for each person on my list
- Blog…more!
- Allow for at least 2 weeknights per week to be at home for the majority of the evening
- Allow for one Friday night or Saturday a month for myself
- Read 10 new books – outside of books read for Bible studies/ADG classes and blog my review
- Implement and keep an exercise routine
- Paint my guest room - yes this is in the right spot...if I don't do this soon - I will go crazy(ier); therefore, this falls under Healthy Living!
- Attend various festivals in Ohio each spring, summer and fall – that I’ve always wanted to go to but never taken the time
- Travel outside of the country
- Find an activity to do with each niece and nephew, individually to spend some quality time on a regular basis
- Go to Washington DC – preferably in the Spring to see the Cherry Blossom
- Learn to not feel guilty when I say “no” or “not right now” - again part of Healthy Living!
- Have dinner with all of my siblings, at least once every three months. Just the five of us (including my SIL here!)
- Buy and regularly ride a bicycle
- Establish and use a Recycle center/system at home - yet again...Healthy Living!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
So for several years now, I've tried to make the presence of God real to me. Ways that His character has been made clear or known to me. You know, seeing God in the details of life...everyday stuff. For instance, when I lived in my apartment and prime parking spots were few and fair between - on those nights when I'd come home super late (like after 10 p.m.) and have my hands full of groceries or stuff to carry across the parking lot and up the steps - only to turn the corner to find a primo parking spot open...I'd simple out loud say - "Thanks Lord!"...just like I would if it were someone giving me something. Once there was a time when I opened my electric bill in the middle of the summer only to find a zero balance with an additional $25 for the next month - because the electric company forgot to credit my account several months before for a deposit I made when starting my service. But the super cool part was the next day I found I that I needed brakes on my car and the cost of the breaks was the amount I had budgeted for my electric - and I had a friend put them on...God knew I'd need new brakes and he provided for me. Or running a few minutes behind, because I forget something and have to run back in the house...then seeing an accident happen in the location I would have been in - had I not gone back inside. I do this often...I try to find God in the everyday stuff...it draws me closer to Him. And not being able to see Him with my own eyes...doesn't seem limit his knowledge of what's happening to me at that very moment.
Well twice this week - I've realized the Omniscience of God.
Experience #1 - Beth:
Well on November 20th I got the most exciting e-mail request. My friend Beth - who lives and teaches in China was going to surprise her family and come home during the Chinese New Year. She was to land on 1/30 at 9:21 p.m., and she needed someone to pick her up! But of course, it was to be a surprise!! That meant telling others was pretty restricted - you gotta be careful who you tell things too...it could slip out! SO in the midst of my willingness to help her out and my pure excitement that she was going to be home - a thought came across my mind. Oh no - she was going to be traveling for a day plus, halfway around the world without her family knowing..."Oh Lord, you got to protect her", was the prayer of my heart at that moment. "Oh Lord, I need people to pray for her travels...but I have to keep that list very limited, but she needs lots of prayers - this is a super long and tiring trip." Over the next two months I shared her arrival with only a handful of people...with very strict guidelines that "mum was the word" - begging them to pray for her. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't discounting God's ability to get her here safely - I just knew that this trip needed extra special prayer. Then last week, I put on the youth prayer board my name with "unspoken" next to it...in the Sunday slot. That way the entire youth group could be praying for this "unspoken" request...all the while praying Beth home from China! I even had one teen ask what "unspoken" meant...I told him it means that God knows the prayer request of my heart, but I'm not able to share the request with others just yet. Well Beth made it home, safely - not one ounce of issues. Made all of her connections - even in Beijing during Chinese New Year (which Beth told me is like traveling in the US during the Holidays), she landed early in c-bus and her bag was first one out on the luggage marry-go-round deal. Her surprise was a success! As I stood outside the home of her parents on that briskly cold Sunday evening - I could hear the screams of her family as she entered the house. Screams of excitement. The closer I got to the house, I could hear her mother sobbing with joy to hold her girl in her arms one more time. Before I entered the house - I stopped and thanked God for bringing Beth home and for taking care of every detail of her trip...including knowing how much her family needed to see her, giving her the idea/desire to want to visit and providing her the time and finances to come home!
Experience #2 - Working Late:
It's a super busy time right now at work, and I've been working over some to stay on top of projects and tasks. However, I'm not a fan of staying to late - since I take the bus...after a certain time the bus only comes every 20 minutes or so and it's WAY to cold to be standing outside waiting for the bus. Well yesterday - I was debating from which location I should board the bus in the morning. The one closest to home or the one closest to church. Each one had it's pros/cons. With all the icky ice, I've been driving to the location closest to home...less driving on the ice for me, and I get home sooner in the evening. But it was Wednesday - and that meant I had to be at IBC for Youth. However, they were calling for more inclement weather during the day - I was thinking IBC would cancel services. But what if they didn't - then I'd be rushing to get there in time. But if I park at the one closest to the church and they cancel - well then I'd have further to drive home in nasty weather. UGH - I just don't like the winter! But I decided that since the roads weren't so bad yesterday morning, I'd go with the one closest to church - since more than likely I would be there that evening. Then mid-day we were notified that IBC was closed due to ice around the church. GREAT...I picked the wrong location! The day went on and I found myself in the office later than I wanted to be...especially since it was cold, snowy and icy. Thankfully the main roads weren't all to bad! I know the pick-up times around my usual departure from work - but I'm not good with pick-up times after 5:30. The sun was starting to set and I figured I'd better get going...I didn't want to be downtown in the dark waiting outside for the bus. As I was walking to the elevator, I could see a bus pull away! GREAT...now my time is off too! I was nearing the time when the buses start to run every 20 min instead of every 10. So I knew I had to hustle! No - just enjoying the scenery walking if I was going to catch the next bus headed West. I got to the stop and waited for about 5 min. - which felt like forever in the cold. Soon the #10 bus pulled up - this one was headed only to Wilson Road. That didn't really sink in at first. Then once I was settled in my seat - I looked up as the marquee on the bus and it flashed 6:00 p.m. - and I was on a bus headed only to Wilson Road. Okay - you are wondering why this is so significant...after 6:00 p.m. the pick-ups come every 20 min. If I had parked at the location closest to my home - I would have had to wait for next #10 bus - as this bus didn't take me that far West. Then I would have been out in the cold for almost 30 min., the sun would have been set and almost to bed at that point, and I would have been in downtown C-bus alone. Yeah - not a good situation to be in! But that's okay - I didn't have to experience it...because God knew the details and He took care of me! Even early in the morning, He knew what my day would hold and the details of my schedule wouldn't be the normal details. He knew! As I rode home last night - I just praised God for the way He provided even a COTA bus going to the right destination at the right time - to show me that He knows EVERYTHING about me and my needs! And that not only does He know...He provides!
What great peace it brings me to know that my God is not only loving, giving, merciful and kind - but that He also is Omniscient...about everything, including me.
Monday, January 17, 2011
A blanket of snow...
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Cookie Jar: Megalicious Cookie of the Month Club...
Everyone loved the idea and it became a tradition! Well, this year we had to add my oldest niece to the name pull pile. You see - we decided, a few years ago, that once a "child" is no longer in college or has entered the workforce full-time they would be moved to the "sibling" exchange (for which I just realized we need to come up with a new name)! And 2010 held some pretty big milestones for her...she graduated from cosmetology school, began working in a salon, turned 21 and had her first child...all grounds for moving to the other side of the fence!
We had our drawing in late September, and I pulled my niece's name! I was very excited...because it meant I could still buy for all of my nieces and nephews!! So I asked her what she wanted...she gave two gift ideas - a gift card and a purse. Okay - that was a slight problem - because, I like to purchase as much as I can in the dollar amount that we select...so I asked for additional ideas. But she said those were really the only things that she needed! So I decided I would have to get creative. For many weeks I tossed around various ideas; then one day an idea hit me and I ran with it! I would give her a gift that would last the entire year...I "enrolled" her into the Megalicious* Cookie of the Month Club!! Each month I will make and deliver a different cookie (up to 2 1/2 dozen) for her to enjoy! She loves cookies - she is a Cookie Monster...just like me! When I "gave" her this gift she was SO excited, and everyone else was very jealous. She also is a very open eater - meaning she will eat most things and has no reservations to trying new recipes - cooking or baking! I always enjoy trying new recipes out on her! So as I've been working on the "cookie schedule" - I was able to select some cookies that I've wanted to try out. I'm so looking forward to this project and gift!! :)
Would you like to join?? Well my faithful SG'sP blog followers - for you I have a special treat...each month - after I have baked the cookie - I will post the recipe and pictures here for all of you to enjoy at your homes!! Cookies will be baked and delivered near the middle of each month - so be watching! My brother saw the cookie schedule (listed below) and has already asked how much it would cost to join the Megalicious Cookie of the Month Club - and he really thinks that I should start a side business. Who knows maybe one day...?!?!?!
Megalicious Cookie of the Month Club - Cookie Schedule
January ~ Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies (recipe & pics are already posted - August, 2010)
February ~ Cinnamon-Sugar Butter Cookies
March ~ Chocolate Mint Sandwich Cookies
April ~ Oatmeal, Cranberry, Walnut & White Chocolate Chunk Cookies
May ~ Butterscotch Chewies
June ~ Coconut Macaroons
July ~ Lemonade Cookies
August ~ Chocolate Chip Cookies
September ~ Peanut Butter & Jelly Thumbprints
October ~ Apple Pie Cookies
November ~ Pumpkin Cookies
December ~ Snowballs (Russian Tea Cookies)
So CONGRATULATIONS you've been enrolled in the Megalicious Cookie of the Month Club - blog version!! Pour a glass of milk, a cup of coffee or tea - and enjoy!!
*Megalicious = lots of delicious